2.4.2 Explicit Attachment of TRANSID for Outbound Requests

Figure 2-35 Explicit Attachment of TRANSID for Outbound Requests

Explicit Attachment of TRANSID for Outbound Requests

The following list describes the process for explicit attachment as illustrated in the figure above:

  1. The ATMI program makes a service request for SERVICE1, which is advertised as a remote service in the DMCONFIG file. The FUNCTION option indicates the remote service is invoked as a DPL.
  2. The request extracts TRN1 as an alternate mirror transaction ID for the remote region, along with the remote program name SERVICE1.
  3. The TRN1 ID is attached instead of the default mirror transaction, CSMI or CVMI. The TRN1 ID must be defined as a transaction resource in the remote region and must point to the mirror transaction program DFHMIRS.
  4. The mirror program DFMMIRS calls the server application program, passing the TRN1 ID in the EIBTRNID field.