8.1.2 Brokered Events

Brokered events enable a client and a server to communicate transparently with one another via an “anonymous” broker that receives and distributes messages. Such brokering is another client/server communication paradigm that is fundamental to the Oracle Tuxedo system.

The EventBroker is an Oracle Tuxedo subsystem that receives and filters event posting messages, and distributes them to subscribers. A poster is an Oracle Tuxedo system process that detects when a specific event has occurred and reports (posts) it to the EventBroker. A subscriber is an Oracle Tuxedo system process with a standing request to be notified whenever a specific event has been posted.

The Oracle Tuxedo system does not impose a fixed ratio of service requesters to service providers; an arbitrary number of posters can post a message buffer for an arbitrary number of subscribers. The posters simply post events, without knowing which processes receive the information or how the information is handled. Subscribers are notified of specified events, without knowing who posted the information. In this way, the EventBroker provides complete location transparency.

Typically, EventBroker applications are designed to handle exception events. An application designer must decide which events in the application constitute exception events and need to be monitored. In a banking application, for example, it might be useful to post an event whenever an unusually large amount of money is withdrawn, but it would not be particularly useful to post an event for every withdrawal transaction. In addition, not all users would need to subscribe to that event; perhaps only the branch manager would need to be notified.