System-defined Events

The Oracle Tuxedo system itself detects and posts certain predefined events related to system warnings and failures. These tasks are performed by the EventBroker. For example, system-defined events include configuration changes, state changes, connection failures, and machine partitioning. For a complete list of system-defined events detected by the EventBroker, see EVENTS(5) in the File Formats, Data Descriptions, MIBs, and System Processes Reference.

System-defined events are defined in advance by the Oracle Tuxedo system code and do not require posting. The name of a system-defined event, unlike that of an application-defined event, always begins with a dot (“.”). Names of application-defined events may not begin with a leading dot.

Clients and servers can subscribe to system-defined events. These events, however, must be used mainly by application administrators, not by every client in the application.

When incorporating the EventBroker into your application, remember that it is not intended to provide a mechanism for high-volume distribution to many subscribers. Do not attempt to post an event for every activity that occurs, and do not expect all clients and servers to subscribe. If you overload the EventBroker, system performance may be adversely affected and notifications may be dropped. To minimize the possibility of overload, the application administrator must carefully tune the operating system IPC resources, as explained in Installing the Oracle Tuxedo System.