5.7 Building Servers

To build an executable ATMI server, compile your application service subroutines with the Oracle Tuxedo system server adaptor and all other referenced files using the buildserver(1) command.


The Oracle Tuxedo server adaptor accepts messages, dispatches work, and manages transactions (if transactions are enabled).

Use the following syntax for the buildserver command:

buildserver -o filename -f filenames -l filenames -s -v

The following table describes the buildserver command-line options:


The Oracle Tuxedo libraries are linked in automatically. You do not need to specify the Oracle Tuxedo library names on the command line.

Link editing must be done by running the buildserver command.

The order in which you specify the library files to be link edited is significant: it depends on the order in which functions are called and which libraries contain references to those functions.

By default, the buildserver command invokes the UNIX cc command. You can specify an alternative compile command and set your own flags for the compile and link-edit phases, however, by setting the CC and CFLAGS environment variables, respectively. For more information, refer to Setting Environment Variables.

The following command processes the acct.o application file and creates a server called ACCT that contains two services: NEW_ACCT, which calls the OPEN_ACCT function, and CLOSE_ACCT, which calls a function of the same name.

buildserver –o ACCT –f acct.o –s NEW_ACCT:OPEN_ACCT –s CLOSE_ACCT

See Also: