6.2.3 Example: Sending a Synchronous Message with TPSIGRSTRT Set

The following listing is based on the TRANSFER service, which is part of the XFER server process of bankapp. (bankapp is a sample ATMI application delivered with the Oracle Tuxedo system.) The TRANSFER service assumes the role of a client when it calls the WITHDRAWAL and DEPOSIT services. The application sets the communication flag to TPSIGRSTRT in these service calls to give the transaction a better chance of committing. The TPSIGRSTRT flag specifies the action to take if there is a signal interrupt. For more information on communication flags, refer to tpcall(3c) in the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI C Function Reference.

Listing Sending a Synchronous Message with TPSIGRSTRT Set

    /* Do a tpcall to withdraw from first account */

if (tpcall("WITHDRAWAL", (char *)reqfb,0, (char **)&reqfb,
     (long *)&reqlen,TPSIGRSTRT) == -1) {
     (void)Fchg(transf, STATLIN, 0,
     "Cannot withdraw from debit account", (FLDLEN)0);
     tpfree((char *)reqfb);
     /* Do a tpcall to deposit to second account */

if (tpcall("DEPOSIT", (char *)reqfb, 0, (char **)&reqfb,
    (long *)&reqlen, TPSIGRSTRT) == -1) {
    (void)Fchg(transf, STATLIN, 0,
    "Cannot deposit into credit account", (FLDLEN)0);
    tpfree((char *)reqfb);