7.5.3 Executing a Disorderly Disconnect

The only way in which a disorderly disconnect can be executed is through a call to the tpdiscon(3c) function (which is equivalent to “pulling the plug” on a connection). This function can be called only by the initiator of a conversation (that is, the client).


This is not the preferred method for bringing down a conversation. To bring down an application gracefully, the subordinate (the server) should call the tpreturn() function.

Use the following signature to call the tpdiscon() function:

tpdiscon(int cd)

The cd argument specifies the connection descriptor returned by the tpconnect() function when the connection is established.

The tpdiscon() function generates a TPEV_DISCONIMM event for the service at the other end of the connection, rendering the cd invalid. If a transaction is in progress, the system aborts it and data may be lost.

If tpdiscon() is called from a service that was not the originator of the connection identified by cd , the function fails with an error code of TPEBADDESC.

For a list and descriptions of all event and error codes, refer to tpdiscon(3c) in the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI C Function Reference.