2.11.4 Multibyte Character Encoding Support for libiconv

libiconv, an encoding conversion library that provides support for many coded character sets and encodings, is included with the Oracle Tuxedo 8.1 or later software distribution. The multibyte character encoding feature uses the character conversion functions in this library to convert from any of the supported character encodings to any other supported character encoding, through Unicode conversion.

libiconv provides support for the following encodings:

  • European languages
    • ASCII, ISO-8859-{1,2,3,4,5,7,9,10,13,14,15,16},
    • KOI8-R, KOI8-U, KOI8-RU,
    • CP{1250,1251,1252,1253,1254,1257}, CP{850,866},
    • Mac{Roman,Central Europe,Iceland,Croatian,Romania},
    • Mac{Cyrillic,Ukraine,Greek,Turkish},
    • Macintosh
  • Semitic languages
    • ISO-8859-{6,8}, CP{1255,1256}, CP862, Mac{Hebrew,Arabic}
  • Japanese
    • EUC-JP, SHIFT-JIS, CP932, ISO-2022-JP, ISO-2022-JP-2, ISO-2022-JP-1
  • Chinese
    • EUC-CN, HZ, GBK, GB18030, EUC-TW, BIG5, CP950, BIG5-HKSCS,
    • ISO-2022-CN, ISO-2022-CN-EXT
  • Korean
    • EUC-KR, CP949, ISO-2022-KR, JOHAB
  • Armenian
    • ARMSCII-8
  • Georgian
    • Georgian-Academy, Georgian-PS
  • Thai
    • TIS-620, CP874, MacThai
  • Laotian
    • MuleLao-1, CP1133
  • Vietnamese
    • VISCII, TCVN, CP1258
  • Platform specifies
  • Full Unicode
    • UTF-8
    • UCS-2, UCS-2BE, UCS-2LE
    • UCS-4, UCS-4BE, UCS-4LE
    • UTF-16, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE
    • UTF-32, UTF-32BE, UTF-32LE
    • UTF-7
    • JAVA
  • Full Unicode, in terms of `uint16_t' or `uint32_t' (with machine-dependent endianness and alignment)
  • Locale dependent, in terms of `char' or `wchar_t' (with machine-dependent endianness and alignment, and with OS and locale dependent semantics)
    • char, wchar_t

See Also:

For more information about multibyte character encoding, see the following documents: