4.2.3 System Access Mode

An application can access the Oracle Tuxedo system through either of two modes: protected or fastpath. The ATMI client can request a mode when it joins an application using the tpinit() function. To specify a mode, a client passes one of the following values in the flags field of the TPINIT buffer to the tpinit() function.

Table 4-3 System Access Flags in a TPINIT Typed Buffer

Mode Description
Protected Allows ATMI calls within an application to access the Oracle Tuxedo system internal tables via shared memory, but protects shared memory against access by application code outside of the Oracle Tuxedo system libraries. Overrides the value in UBBCONFIG, except when NO_OVERRIDE is specified. Refer to Setting Up an Oracle Tuxedo Application for more information on UBBCONFIG.
Fastpath (default) Allows ATMI calls within application code access to Oracle Tuxedo system internals via shared memory. Does not protect shared memory against access by application code outside of the Oracle Tuxedo system libraries. Overrides the value of UBBCONFIG except when NO_OVERRIDE is specified. Refer to Setting Up an Oracle Tuxedo Application for more information on UBBCONFIG.