5.2 System-Supplied Server and Services

The main() routine provides one system-supplied ATMI server, AUTHSVR, and two subroutines, tpsvrinit() and tpsvrdone(). The default versions of all three, which are described in the following sections, can be modified to suit your application.


If you want to write your own versions of tpsvrinit() and tpsvrdone(), remember that the default versions of these two routines call tx_open() and tx_close(), respectively. If you write a new version of tpsvrinit() that calls tpopen() rather than tx_open(), you should also write a new version of tpsvrdone() that calls tpclose(). In other words, both functions in an open/close pair must belong to the same set.

In addition to the subroutines described in this topic, the system provides two subroutines called tpsvrthrinit(3c) and tpsvrthrdone(3c). For more information, refer to Programming a Multithreaded and Multicontexted ATMI Application.