
Use the following signature to call the tpadvertise(3c) function:

tpadvertise(char *svcname, void *func)(TPSVCINFO *)

The following table describes the arguments to the tpadvertise() function.

Table 5-4 tpadvertise( ) Function Arguments

Argument Description
svcname Pointer to the name of the service to be advertised. The service name must be a character string of up to 127 characters. Names longer than 127 characters are truncated. The NULL string is not a valid value. If it is specified, an error (TPEINVAL) results.
func Pointer to the address of an Oracle Tuxedo system function that is called to perform a service. Frequently, this name is the same as the name of the service. The NULL string is not a valid value. If it is specified, an error results.