1 Images for Oracle Tuxedo for OCI


Learn about the images in Oracle Tuxedo for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (Oracle Tuxedo for OCI) and how to use these images to create instances in Oracle Tuxedo for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

1.1 About Oracle Tuxedo for OCI Images

Oracle Tuxedo for OCI images are preinstalled with the Oracle Tuxedo software version, shipped with Rolling Patch 001 (RP001). The Oracle Tuxedo for OCI images use Oracle Linux 8.6 as the operating system.

Oracle Tuxedo for OCI supports:
  • Bring Your Own License (BYOL) Images: If you already have a valid Tuxedo license and a support contract to use Tuxedo, then you can bring those licenses to OCI for using the BYOL images. You will only pay for the charges associated with the infrastructure and the computing, for example, OCPUs, storage, and anything else required by the Tuxedo application.
  • Universal Credits Model (UCM) Images: Using UCM images incurs a fee per OCPU per hour for accessing the Tuxedo software. The use of these images implies a license and support agreement, even though a contract is not required.

Table 1-1 Oracle Tuxedo OCI Marketplace Image billing options

Bring Your Own License (BYOL) Universal Credits Model (UCM)
User brings user's own license. Oracle provides the license to the user.
User is charged only for the Cloud infrastructure. User is charged for both the license and the infrastructure.
Oracle Tuxedo for OCI offers the following BYOL and UCM images:
Oracle Tuxedo Image
If you want to utilize only Oracle Tuxedo, without any add-on products.
Oracle Tuxedo Enterprise Edition Image
If you want to use at least one of the add-on products, in addition to Oracle Tuxedo. In addition to Oracle Tuxedo, the Enterprise Edition includes the following add-ons:
  • Oracle® Tuxedo Advanced Performance Pack
  • Oracle® Tuxedo Jolt
  • Oracle® Service Architecture Leveraging Tuxedo
Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Modernization Runtimes Image
In addition to Oracle Tuxedo Enterprise, the Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Modernization subscription enables you to use at least one Tuxedo Mainframe Modernization Runtimes. Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Modernization Runtimes include the following add-ons:
  • Oracle® Tuxedo Application Runtime for CICS
  • Oracle® Tuxedo Application Runtime for Batch
  • Oracle® Tuxedo Application Runtime for IMS
  • Oracle® Tuxedo Application Rehosting Test Manager

Shapes for Oracle Tuxedo for OCI images

You can use any of the following compute shapes to create an instance with Oracle Tuxedo for OCI images:
 - VM.Standard1.1, VM.Standard1.16, VM.Standard1.2, VM.Standard1.4, VM.Standard1.8,
      VM.Standard2.1, VM.Standard2.16, VM.Standard2.2, VM.Standard2.24, VM.Standard2.4,
      VM.Standard2.8, VM.Standard.B1.1, VM.Standard.B1.16, VM.Standard.B1.2, VM.Standard.B1.4,
      VM.Standard.B1.8, VM.Standard.E2.1, VM.Standard.E2.2,
      VM.Standard.E2.4, VM.Standard.E2.8
VM.Standard3.Flex (OCPU Constraint: 1 - 32, Memory Constraint: 1GBs - 512GBs) ,
        VM.Standard.E3.Flex (OCPU Constraint: 1 - 64, Memory Constraint: 1GBs - 1024GBs) ,
        VM.Standard.E4.Flex (OCPU Constraint: 1 - 64, Memory Constraint: 1GBs - 1024GBs)
VM.Optimized3.Flex (OCPU Constraint: 1 - 18, Memory Constraint: 1GBs - 256GBs)
VM.DenseIO2.16, VM.DenseIO2.24, VM.DenseIO2.8

1.2 Software Requirements

Table 1-2 Software Requirements for Tuxedo 22c

Component Requirement
COBOL Compiler Micro Focus Visual COBOL v6.0 or later
Java 2 JRE for the Java run-time environment Tested with JRE 1.8.0_341,, and 17.0.4 and OpenJDK 17
Java 2 Software Development Kit (SDK) for the Java development environment Tested with JDK 1.8.0_341,, and 17.0.4 and OpenJDK 17
Database for CORBA C++ applications Tested with Oracle Client 12c

For more additional information, please refer to Oracle Tuxedo Installation Guide.

Table 1-3 Software Requirements for Tuxedo Application Runtimes

Component Requirement
COBOL Compiler
  • Micro Focus Visual COBOL v6.0 or later
  • COBOL-IT Enterprise Edition 3.x(3.9.16 or later)
Database Oracle database 12c or later
Shell ksh
perl perl 5.28 or above with module Data::Dumper(perl-Data-Dumper) installed


  • When using Micro Focus Visual COBOL, make the following soft links in $COBDIR/lib:
    • ln -s libcobrts64.so.3 libcobrts64.so.2
    • ln -s libcobrts64_t.so.3 libcobrts64_t.so.2
    • ln -s libcobmisc64.so.3 libcobmisc64.so.2
    • ln -s libcobmisc64_t.so.3 libcobmisc64_t.so.2
    • ln -s libcobcrtn64.so.3 libcobcrtn64.so.2
  • Compiler version support policy:

    The compiler version is supported with the assumption that the version is supported on the Operating System of the image by the compiler vendor, and compiler vendor maintains binary compatibility among minor releases.

1.3 Ongoing Maintenance and Patching Requirements

Oracle strongly recommends that you download and apply the latest patch, and upgrade your Tuxedo release as and when required. By patching the software regularly, you can update any security vulnerabilities and include the latest bug fixes.