Manage Ordering Service Settings

This topic contains information about how founders and participants manage ordering service settings.

Export Ordering Service Settings

If you’re a founder and are adding a participant to the network, then you must download your instance’s ordering service settings and give them to the participant for import. The participant isn’t able to communicate on the network until it has uploaded the founder’s ordering service settings.

For more information about the process you need to follow to create a network with multiple members, see Typical Workflow to Join a Participant Organization to an Oracle Blockchain Platform Network.
It isn’t common, but in some situations, the founder might expose a different ordering service to one or more network participants. In this case, the founder will export the updated ordering settings and the impacted participants must import the revised settings.
If the founder changes the ordering service settings and there are applications running against the network, then those applications must be manually updated to use the revised ordering service settings.
  1. Go to the founder’s console and select the Network tab.
  2. Go to the Organization table, locate the founder’s ID, click More Actions, and select Export Ordering Settings.
  3. Specify the location where you want to save the JSON file that contains the ordering settings information. Click OK.
  4. Send the ordering settings export file to the participants that need to import it into their instances.
    Note that files exported by the console and REST APIs are only compatible for import with the same component. That is you can't successfully use the REST API to import an export file created with the console. Likewise, you can't successfully use the console to import an export file created with the REST API.

Import Ordering Service Settings

If you’re a participant joining a network, then you must import the network founder’s ordering service settings file. You’ll not be able to communicate on the network until this settings file is uploaded into your instance.

For more information about the process you need to follow to create a network with multiple members, see Typical Workflow to Join a Participant Organization to an Oracle Blockchain Platform Network.
It isn’t common, but in some situations, the founder might expose a different ordering service to you and other participants. In this case, the founder will export the updated ordering settings and you’ll upload the revised settings into your instance. See Export Ordering Service Settings.
If the founder changes the ordering service settings and there are applications running against the network, then those applications must be manually updated to use the revised ordering service settings.
  1. Go to the participant’s console and select the Network tab.
  2. Click Ordering Service Settings and click Import.
  3. In the Ordering Settings dialog, click Upload Ordering Settings and browse for and select the JSON file containing the ordering settings information. Usually this file is named <founderinstancename>-orderer-settings.json.
    Note that files exported by the console and REST APIs are only compatible for import with the same component. That is you can't successfully use the REST API to import an export file created with the console. Likewise, you can't successfully use the console to import an export file created with the REST API.
  4. In the Ordering settings dialog, click Submit to upload the ordering settings to the participant.

Edit Ordering Service Settings

You can update the ordering service settings for the founder instance.

Note the following important information about editing the ordering service settings:
  • The updated settings are used when you create new channels and are not applied to existing channels.

  • Separately you can update the ordering service settings for an individual existing channels. Go to the Channels tab, locate the channel, click the More Actions menu, and select Update Ordering Service Settings.

  • If you change the ordering service settings and there are applications running against the network, then those applications must be manually updated to use the revised ordering service settings.

  • It isn’t common, but in some situations, you might expose a different ordering service to some of the network participants. In this case, you’ll export the updated ordering settings and the required participants will import the revised settings. See Export Ordering Service Settings.

You must be an administrator to perform this task.
  1. Go to the founder’s console and select the Network tab.
  2. Click the Ordering Service Settings button.
    The Ordering Service Settings dialog is displayed.
  3. Update the settings as needed.
    Field Description
    Batch Timout (ms) Specify the amount of time in milliseconds that the system should wait before creating a batch. Enter a number between 1 and 3600000.
    Max Message Count Specify the maximum number of message to include in a batch. Enter a number between 1 and 4294967295.
    Absolute Message Bytes Specify the maximum number of bytes allowed for the serialized messages in a batch.

    This number must be larger than the value you enter in the Preferred Message Bytes field.

    Preferred Message Bytes Specify the preferred number of bytes allowed for the serialized messages in a batch. A message larger than this size results in a larger batch, but the batch size will be equal to or less than the number of bytes you specified in the Absolute Message Bytes field.

    Oracle recommends that you set this value to 1 MB or less.

    The value that you enter in this field must be smaller than the value you enter in the Absolute Message Bytes field.

  4. Click Update.
    The updated settings are saved.

View Ordering Service Settings

You can view the ordering service settings that were imported into a participant’s Oracle Blockchain Platform instance.

It isn’t common, but in some situations, the founder might expose a different ordering service to network participants. In this case, the founder will export the updated ordering settings and you’ll upload the revised settings into your participant instance. See Import Ordering Service Settings.
If the founder changes the ordering service settings and there are applications running against the network, then those applications must be manually updated to use the revised ordering service settings.
  1. Go to the participant’s console and select the Network tab.
  2. Click Ordering Service Settings and click View.
    The Ordering Settings dialog is displayed.