Manage Peer Nodes

This topic contains information about peer nodes.

View and Edit the Peer Node Configuration

A peer node’s configuration determines how the node performs and behaves on the network.

Only administrators can change a node’s configuration. If you've got user permissions, then you can view a node’s configuration settings. See Peer Node Attributes.
  1. Go to the console and select the Nodes tab.
  2. In the Nodes tab, go to the Nodes table, locate the peer node that you want configuration information for, and click the node’s More Actions button.
  3. The configuration option is determined by your permissions. If you're an administrator, locate and click Edit Configuration. If you're a user, locate and click View.
    The Configure dialog is displayed.
  4. If you're an administrator, then modify the node’s settings as needed.
  5. Click Submit to save the configuration changes, or click X to close the Configure dialog.
  6. Restart the node to apply any changes that you made.

List Chaincodes Installed on a Peer Node

You can view a list of the chaincodes and their versions installed on a specific peer node in your network.

If you don’t see the chaincode or the chaincode version you were expecting, then you can install a chaincode or upgrade a chaincode to the peer node. You must be an administrator to install or upgrade a chaincode.
  1. Go to the console and select the Nodes tab.
  2. In the Nodes tab, click the name of the peer node you want to see information for.
    The Node Information page is displayed.
  3. Click the Chaincodes pane to view a list of chaincodes installed on the selected peer node.

View Health Information for a Peer Node

You can check a peer node’s metrics to see how the node is performing on the blockchain network. This information helps you discover and diagnose performance problems.

The Health Overview pane displays these performance metrics: CPU utilization, memory utilization, user transactions endorsed, and user transactions committed.
  1. Go to the console and select the Nodes tab.
  2. In the Nodes tab, click the name of the peer node you want to see health information for.
    The Node Information page is displayed.
  3. Click the Health Overview pane to view the node’s performance metrics.
    Note the following information:
    • If the CPU Utilization and Memory Utilization percentages are too high, then it might be because the peer is overloaded with endorsement requests. Consider adding another peer or changing the endorsement policy.
    • If the Disk Utilization percentage is too high, then the ledger might not get stored on the node properly.
    • The User Transactions Endorsed and User Transaction Committed metrics are collected and refreshed every ten minutes. The counts you see are cumulative.
    • If the utilization percentages are consistently high, then contact Oracle Support.

Export and Import Peer Nodes

If you want to run the blockchain transactions through the REST proxy, then after you’ve added a participant to the network, you must export its peer nodes and import them into the founder.

You need to do this export and import step because the REST proxy’s end point configuration needs to know about the peers from both members. After you’ve completed this step then you’ll have to update the founder and participants’ REST proxy nodes to add the peers so that the requests can be routed as required by the endorsement policy.
  1. Go to the participant’s console and select the Nodes tab.
  2. Click Export/Import Peers and select Export.
    The Export Nodes dialog is displayed.
  3. In the Peer List field, select the peer nodes that you want to export. Click Export.
    Note that files exported by the console and REST APIs are only compatible for import with the same component. That is you can't successfully use the REST API to import an export file created with the console. Likewise, you can't successfully use the console to import an export file created with the REST API.
  4. To import, go to the founder’s Oracle Blockchain Platform console and select the Nodes tab.
  5. Click Export/Import Peers and select Import.
    The Import Remote Nodes dialog is displayed.
  6. Click Upload remote nodes configurations and browse for and select the JSON file containing the node configuration information. Usually this file is named <instance name>-exported-nodes.json.
    Note that files exported by the console and REST APIs are only compatible for import with the same component. That is you can't successfully use the REST API to import an export file created with the console. Likewise, you can't successfully use the console to import an export file created with the REST API.
  7. Click the plus icon to upload another node configuration file for import.
  8. Click Import.
  9. To confirm that the nodes were added successfully, you can:
    • Go to the founder’s Nodes tab and in the nodes table locate the names of the imported peer nodes. Note that the imported nodes type is Remote Peer. You can’t view or edit a remote peer’s configuration information.
    • Go to the founder’s Network tab and click Topology View and locate the names of the imported peer nodes.