Before You Develop an Application

Before you write an application, download and use the sample applications, and ensure that you've the correct certificates and privileges to run an application.

Oracle Blockchain Platform provides downloadable samples that help you understand how to write chaincodes and applications. See:

Oracle Blockchain Platform uses Hyperledger Fabric as its foundation. Use the Hyperledger Fabric documentation to help you write applications. The Key Concepts and Tutorials sections should be read before you write you own application: Welcome to Hyperledger Fabric.

Prerequisites for Application Development

A user ID and password for the application user must exist in your LDAP server. Depending on the functions in the application, this user must have the following:

  • To install and instantiate chaincode:

    • You must have administrative access in order to install or deploy chaincode.

    • You must export the admincerts, cacerts, and tlscacerts certificates as described in Export Certificates so that they can be placed in your application in the peer and orderer nodes crypto folders.

    • You must export the admin credentials similarly to how you exported the certificates (from the action menu, select Export Admin Credential). This will download a ZIP file containing the signed certificate and keystore files that need to be placed in your application in the peer and orderer nodes crypto folders.

  • To run operations against an installed and instantiated chaincode:

    • You must export the admincerts, cacerts, and tlscacerts certificates as described in Export Certificates so that they can be placed in your application in the peer node crypto folders.

    • You must export the tlscacerts certificate for the orderer node as described in Export Ordering Service Settings so that it can be placed in your application.

    • The chaincode you’re invoking must be installed and deployed to a channel and node that your user ID has access to.

    • A REST proxy node must be configured and the chaincode enabled for REST proxy access. The user ID and password for the node must be provided.

  • To run functions against a REST API endpoint:

    • The chaincode you’re invoking must be installed and deployed to a channel and node that your user ID has access to.

    • A REST proxy node must be configured and the chaincode enabled for REST proxy access. The user ID and password for the node must be provided.