7 Manage Oracle Blockchain Platform

Once you've provisioned your instance, you can manage it in Blockchain Platform Manager.

View Instance Details

Clicking on your instance name in Blockchain Platform Manager opens the Instances tab displaying details about the instance.

The Instance Details page lists information such as the location of the logs and ledger, as well as the health of the instance. You can also see all the VMs and their status.

The Patching page lists all the patches that have been applied to the instance, as well as any available patches that haven't been applied.

You can manage the instance from the Actions menu, or launch the Oracle Blockchain Platform Service Console to manage your blockchain network.

Open the Configuration tab to access the LDAP and platform configuration tabs. You can update your LDAP or platform configuration if needed. You may want to disable the default user (obpadmin) once you've created your user in LDAP and successfully logged in with that user ID.

View Instance Activity

The Activity pages shows the status of operations that have been performed on your instances.

To see the activity of an instance, select your instance name and on the Instances page click Activity.

This tab lists any operations that have been performed on your instance such as starting, stopping, and updating, as well as whether or not it was successful, the time of the operation, and the user ID who initiated the operation.

You can see and filter the activity of all instances managed by Blockchain Platform Manager on the Activities page. The Activities page can be used to see the history of operations performed on any instances, including deleted instances. These activities can be filtered by different search criteria such as instance name, operation types, and date range.

Start or Stop an Instance

You can start or stop an instance in the Blockchain Platform Manager.

To start or stop an instance:
  1. In Blockchain Platform Manager, find your instance and select the menu beside it.
  2. Select Start or Stop. You'll be prompted to confirm your selection.

Update an Instance

You can update the LDAP configuration or HSM details of an instance.

  1. On the Instance Details page, select Update from the Actions menu.
  2. Select to update the LDAP configuration or the HSM details:
    • For LDAP, select Update Auth Server Configuration. This updates the instance with the active LDAP configuration.
    • For HSM, select Update HSM Details. Enter the updated partition label and the Crypto Officer PIN.
    Note that these options only display if the instance has an existing configuration for that option.
  3. Click Submit.

Delete an Instance

You can delete your instance in Blockchain Platform Manager.

To delete your instance:
  1. Open Blockchain Platform Manager and find your instance.
  2. From the menu beside your instance, select Terminate.
  3. You'll be prompted to confirm you action. Click Confirm.

Scale an Instance In or Out

You can scale an instance in or out in Blockchain Platform Manager.

Scale Out

You can scale out your instance by creating new VMs, replicas, or peers:

  1. In Blockchain Platform Manager open the menu beside your instance name and click Scale Out.
  2. You can scale out using any of these methods:
    • New VMs: adds a new VM to the cluster with the specified role of platform host, chaincode host, or ZooKeeper/Raft host.
    • New Replicas: adds additional nodes; REST proxy or CA.
    • New Peers: adds one additional peer at a time.
    • New Orderers: adds additional orderers.

Scale Out a Peer When Using an External Load Balancer

When using an external load balancer, you need to remap the ports to the new peer:
  1. In Blockchain Platform Manager open the menu beside your instance name and click Scale Out.
  2. Select New Peers, and enter the information for the peer. The port mapping information for the peer will be listed. You must add these port mappings to your load balancer before adding the new peer.
  3. In your load balancer, do a mapping as shown in the Nginx syntax example below, where my.blockchain.example.com is the FQDN of the blockchain instance (internal side):
    ...stream {
        upstream port1 {
        server my.blockchain.example.com:10001;
      server {
            listen *:10003 ssl;
            ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/server.pem; # use your own certificate/key
            ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/serverkey.pem;
            proxy_pass port1;
    Repeat for every port listed in the port map.
  4. In the Blockchain Platform Manager Scale Out wizard, confirm that you have updated your load balancer configuration, and click Submit.

Scale In

You can scale in your instance by deleting peers.

Before scaling in an instance, you should transfer all this peer's responsibilities to other running peers, and then remove all the responsibilities this peer has.
  • Check all other peers' gossip bootstrap address lists, remove the peer address, and add another running peer's address if needed. After peer configuration change, restart the peer.
  • Check all channels' anchor peer lists, remove the peer from the anchor peer lists, and add another running peer to the anchor peer list if needed.
  • If a channel or chaincode is only joined or instantiated in this peer, you should consider using another running peer to join the same channel and instantiate the same chaincode.
  1. In Blockchain Platform Manager open the menu beside your instance name and click Scale In.
  2. Enter the hostname or IP address of the peer you want to delete. To delete more than one peer, click Add Peer and enter the information for the additional peer.

Patch an Instance to v19.3.4

You can patch Blockchain Platform Manager and your instance from within Blockchain Platform Manager.

The process for patching to v19.3.4 or earlier version is different from the process for patching to v19.3.5 or later. See Patch an Instance to v19.3.5 or Later.

Register a Patch

  1. Download any desired patches from support.oracle.com.
  2. Open the Patches tab.
  3. Click Register Patch and select the patch you've downloaded.

Patching Blockchain Platform Manager

When a Blockchain Platform Manager patch is available, you must apply it before patching your instance. Otherwise when you are trying to do the data plane patching a warning message will be shown to remind you patch the control plane first.

  1. When a Blockchain Platform Manager patch is available, an Upgrade button will be shown in the About dialog which you can open from the User menu in the top-right corner.
  2. The Blockchain Platform Manager patching process will reboot Blockchain Platform Manager automatically. After the reboot, you need to clean up cached images and files in the browser, then log in to the Blockchain Platform Manager again.

Any new instances created after the patch will be at the upgraded level. Any existing instances must be patched as described in Patching an Instance.

Patching an Instance

You must have patched Blockchain Platform Manager before you patch you instance.

A patch package includes:

  • A metadata file
  • One or more scripts to be run during patching
  • Docker images for different components

Blockchain Platform Manager extracts the patch package, pushes the component docker images to the docker registry, and stores the metadata file and scripts in local database.

The patch package is a rolling patch; a newer patch is always a superset of an older patch within the same release.

  1. Open the Patches page. Select the registered patch you want to apply and click Apply. Select all the instances you want to apply the patch to, click Next and then Submit.
  2. Patching is an asynchronous operation. In the instance's Activity pane, click Refresh to check the operation's status periodically and wait until the status changes to Successful.

To Roll Back a Patch

In Blockchain Platform Manager:
  1. On the Instances tab, select your instance to open the Instance Details page and select the Patches tab.
  2. Select the patch to be rolled back, and click Rollback.

Post-Patching Steps

After you patch your instance, the Blockchain Platform Manager UI may not be updated. Clear your browser cache and reload the Blockchain Platform Manager to see the updated pages.

For information on how to configure logging for a patched instance, see Migrated Instance Logs

Patch an Instance to v19.3.5 or Later

When a Blockchain Platform Manager patch is available, it will be shown in the About dialog which you can open from the User menu in the top-right corner.

The Blockchain Platform Manager patching process will reboot Blockchain Platform Manager automatically. After the reboot, you need to clean up cached images and files in the browser, then log in to the Blockchain Platform Manager again.

Any new instances created after the patch will be at the upgraded level. Any existing instances must be patched as described in

  1. Download any desired patches from support.oracle.com.
  2. Open the Patches tab.
  3. Click Register Patch and select the patch you've downloaded. The patch will now be listed in the available patches.
  4. Click Upgrade Platform Manager to upgrade Blockchain Platform Manager.
  5. Once you've upgraded the platform manager, you can select the Action menu and click Upgrade Instances to upgrade your existing instances.

After you patch your instance, the Blockchain Platform Manager UI may not be updated. Clear your browser cache and reload the Blockchain Platform Manager to see the updated pages.