Orderer Node Attributes

An orderer node collects transactions from peer nodes, bundles them, and submits them to the blockchain ledger. The node’s attributes determine how the node performs and behaves on the network.

Only Administrators can change a node’s attributes. If you've got User privileges, then you can view a node’s attributes.

Table A-3 Orderer Node — General Attributes

Attribute Description Default Value
Orderer ID This is the identifier or name that Oracle Blockchain Platform assigned the node when it created it. orderer<number-partition>
Local MSP ID This is the assigned MSP ID for your organization. You can’t modify this ID. NA
Listen Port This is the listening port that Oracle Blockchain Platform assigned to the node. You can’t change the port number. Specific to your organization.
Log Level Specify the log level that you want to use for the node. Oracle suggests that for development or testing, you use DEBUG. And that for production, you use ERROR. INFO

Table A-4 Orderer Node — Advanced Attributes — Raft/Cluster tab

Attribute Description Default Value
SendBufferSize The maximum number of messages in the egress buffer. Consensus messages are dropped if the buffer is full, and the transaction messages are waiting for space to be freed. 10
DialTimeout in seconds The maximum duration of time after which connection attempts are considered as failed. 5
RPCTimeout in seconds The maximum duration of time after which RPC attempts are considered as failed. 7
Replication/BufferSize in bytes The maximum number of bytes that can be allocated for each in-memory buffer used for block replication from other cluster nodes. 20971520
Replication/BackgroundRefreshInterval in minutes The time between two consecutive attempts to replicate existing channels that this node was added to, or channels that this node failed to replicate in the past. 5
Replication/RetryTimeout in seconds The maximum duration the ordering node will wait between two consecutive attempts. 5
Replication/PullTimeout in seconds The maximum duration the ordering node will wait for a block to be received before it aborts. 5
Consensus/EvictionSuspicion in minutes The threshold that a node will start suspecting its own eviction if it has been leaderless for this period of time. 10