Peer Node Attributes

A peer node reads, endorses, and writes transactions to the blockchain ledger. The node’s attributes determine how the node performs and behaves on the network.

Only Administrators can change a node’s attributes. If you've got User privileges, then you can view a node’s attributes.

Table A-5 Peer Node — General Attributes

Attribute Description Default Value
Peer ID This is the identifier or name that Oracle Blockchain Platform assigned the node when it created it. peer0
Local MSP ID This is the assigned MSP ID for your organization. You can’t modify this ID. Specific to your organization.
Role Specifies if the peer’s role is Member or Admin. In most cases this field displays Member.

This role is used by the chaincode’s endorsement policy. The endorsement policy specifies the MSP that must validate the identity of the signer peer and the signer peer’s role. The Admin role is normally assigned in situations where you want to further protect sensitive operations and make sure that those operations are endorsed by specific peers.

The peers created with your instance were assigned the Member role.

Listen Port This is the listening port that Oracle Blockchain Platform assigned to the node. You can’t change the port number. Specific to your organization.
Log Level Specify the log level that you want to use for the node. Oracle suggests that for development or testing, you use DEBUG. And that for production, you use ERROR. INFO

Table A-6 Peer Node — Advanced Attributes — Gossip tab

Attribute Description Default Value
Bootstrap Peers

Provide the service name address and port that the peer uses to contact other peers during startup. This endpoint must match the endpoints of the peers in the same organization.

Max Block Count to Store Enter the maximum number of blocks to store in memory. 3
Max Propagation Burst Latency in milliseconds Enter how many milliseconds between message pushes. 2
Max propagation burst size Enter the number of messages to be stored until a push remote peer is triggered. 4
Propagate Iterations Enter the number of times a message is pushed to the peers. 7
Propagate Peer Number Enter how many peers to send messages to. 8
Pull Interval in seconds Enter how many seconds between pull phases. 10
Pull Peer Number Enter the number of peers to pull from. 9
Request State Info Interval in seconds Enter how often to pull state information messages from the peers. 20
Publish state Info Interval in seconds Enter how often to send state information messages to the peers. 21
Publish Cert Period in seconds Enter how many seconds from startup that certificates are included in alive messages. 40
Dial Timeout in seconds Enter how many seconds before dial times out. 10
Connect Timeout in seconds Enter how many seconds until the connection times out. 20
Receive Buffer Size Enter the size of the buffer for received messages. 20
Send Buffer Size Enter the size of the buffer for sending messages. 40
Digest Wait Time in seconds Enter how many seconds to wait before the pull engine processes incoming digests. 15
Request Wait Time in seconds Enter how many seconds to wait before the pull engine removes incoming nonce. 10
Response Wait Time in seconds Enter how many seconds that the pull engine waits before it terminates the pull. 20
Alive Time Interval in seconds Enter how often to check alive time. 15
Alive Expiration Timeout in seconds Enter how many seconds to wait before the alive expiration times out. 12
Reconnect Interval in seconds Enter how many seconds to wait before reconnecting. 9
Skip Block Verification Click to skip block verification. Selected

Table A-7 Peer Node — Advanced Attributes — Gossip/Election tab

Attribute Description Default Value
Membership Sample Interval in seconds How often in seconds the peer checks its stability on the network. 3
Leader Alive Threshold in seconds The number of seconds to elapse before the last declaration message is sent and before the peer determines leader election. 2
Leader Election Duration in seconds The number of seconds to elapse after the peer sends the propose message and declares itself leader. 5
Leader A channel’s leader peer receives blocks and distributes them to the other peers within the cluster. Specify the mode that you want the peer to use to determine a leader.
  • OrgLeader — Select this option to use static leader mode and make the peer the organization leader. If you select this option and then add more peers to the channel, then you must set all peers to OrgLeader.

  • UseLeaderElection — Select this option to use dynamic leader election on the channel. Before an active leader is selected for the organization, the system must run the configuration transaction to add the organization to the channel, and then the system updates the new peers with the configuration transaction.


Table A-8 Peer Node — Advanced Attributes — Event Service tab

Attribute Description Default Value
Buffer Size Enter the maximum number of events that the buffer can contain. The system won’t send the events that exceed this number. 100
Timeout in milliseconds Enter in milliseconds the maximum time allowed for the business network to send an event. 1000

Table A-9 Peer Node — Advanced Attributes — Chaincode tab

Attribute Description Default Value
Startup timeout in seconds Enter in seconds the maximum time to wait between when the container starts and the registry responds. 300
Execute timeout in seconds Enter in seconds the maximum time that a chaincode attempts to execute before timing out. 30
Mode Displays how the system runs the chaincode. This value is always net. net
Keepalive in seconds If you're using a proxy for communication, then enter in seconds the maximum amount of time to keep the connection between a peer and the chaincode alive. 0
Log Level Specify the log level that you want to use for all loggers in the chaincode container. Oracle suggests that for development or testing, you use DEBUG. And that for production, you use ERROR. INFO
Shim Level Specify the log level that you want to use for the shim logger. WARNING