Access Oracle Essbase Using SSH

Use Secure Shell (SSH) client software to connect to the Essbase instance deployed on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure to perform administrative tasks.

To access the private compute node, it depends on your environment. If your network configuration uses FastConnection or VPN with IPSec, you must provide the network setup that allows you to SSH to the private compute node.

You can log in securely to your Essbase instance from a remote host by using a secure shell (SSH) connection.

Before creating the Essbase instance on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, generate at least one SSH key pair, and ensure that the private key is available on each host that you’ll use to access Essbase instances.

To connect to Essbase using SSH, you use the SSH private key, which is part of the key pair created as a prerequisite to deploying the stack. After you've created the stack, you have a few different IP addresses, depending on the network topology.

You can use any SSL utility, for example openSSL, to generate SSH keys and to log in to your Essbase instance.

Public IP

If the Essbase compute node has an essbase_node_public_ip address, you can access it directly with ssh of the Essbase public IP using the following:

$ ssh -i <path_to_private_key> opc@<essbase_public_ip>

Private IP

If you have deployed stack in a private subnet, the Essbase compute node will have a private IP only. In this case, you must create Bastion provided under Identity & Security. Use this Bastion to access the Essbase compute node. SSH commands can be copied from the Bastion session when you create the session.

(For 19c through If you deployed a private subnet, the Essbase compute node has a private IP, but no public IP. In this case, you must use the public IP of the bastion host to access the Essbase compute node by proxy. Examples are provided in this topic. SSH syntax may vary, depending on your SSH client and operating system.

Create a Bastion
  1. In OCI Console > Identity & Security > Bastion.
  2. On Bastion page, click Create Bastion.
  3. Enter Bastion name.
  4. In Configure Networking, select the Target Virtual Cloud Network (VCN), the VCN in the relevant compartment – the VCN on which Essbase node is deployed.
  5. Select the Target Subnet on which Essbase node is deployed.
  6. Enter CIDR – IP or range of IPs from which access will be allowed.
  7. Click Create Bastion. Bastion is created.
Create a Session
  1. In OCI Console > Identity & Security > Bastion > click relevant created Bastion name link.
  2. Click Create Session.
  3. On the Create Session page, select session type value.
  4. Enter username.
  5. Enter computer instance to which you want to connect.
  6. Specify the SSH Key.
  7. In Advanced options, you can specify the IP to which you want to connect.
  8. Click Create Session. The session is created.
  9. Open the compute instance and enable Bastion Service toggle for the instance. Note by default, a Bastion session is available for three hours, and can be defined otherwise.
SSH Command to Access Essbase Node
  1. Go to OCI Console > Identity & Security > Bastion.
  2. Select the relevant Bastion.
  3. Under Resources, click Sessions to view the Sessions page.
  4. On Sessions page, open drop-down menu to the right of the relevant created session, and click Copy SSH Command. You will use this command to ssh and log into the Essbase node.
  5. Replace ssh_key paths in the copied command. Edit the SSH command as follows: Replace <privateKey> with the path to the private key (from the SSH key pair used to create the session).

Bastion Host SSH Tips (For 19c through

Essbase doesn't have a public IP address when you deploy a private subnet using a bastion host. Use these guidelines to help you configure your system for SSH access to the Essbase compute node on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. These examples utilize a bash shell. Bash commands you enter are in bold.

  1. Change to the hidden directory, .ssh, usually located in your user directory (check the documentation for your specific SSH client).

    cd ~/.ssh
  2. Modify (or create) the config file in the .ssh directory. Though the following example invokes the UNIX vi editor, you can use any text editor.

    vi config
  3. In the config file, enter HostName and IdentityFile details for the bastion host. For HostName, provide the IP address of the bastion host, and for IdentityFile, provide the location of the private key that matches the public key you provided to Resource Manager during the Essbase deployment. Format:

    Host bastion
    	HostName <bastion_host_public_ip>
    	IdentityFile <path_to_private_key>
  4. Add to the config file an additional host entry for the private Essbase subnet. For HostName, provide the essbase_node_private_ip, and for IdentityFile, provide the location of the private key that matches the public key you provided to Resource Manager during the Essbase deployment. For ProxyCommand, set up SSH access for the opc user to access the bastion host by proxy. Example:

    Host essbase
    	HostName <essbase_node_private_ip>
    	IdentityFile <path_to_private_key>
    	ProxyCommand ssh opc@bastion -W %h:%p

    Here is an example of a completed config file.

    Host bastion
    	IdentityFile C:/temp/ids/my_key
    Host essbase
    	IdentityFile C:/temp/ids/my_key
    	ProxyCommand ssh opc@bastion -W %h:%p
  5. Save the config file and exit the editor.

  6. In your command window, log in over SSH to Essbase, by proxy of the bastion host, as the opc user.

    ssh opc@essbase
  7. Switch to user oracle to explore the Essbase compute and complete any administrative tasks.

    sudo su oracle
  8. Change to the home directory of the Essbase compute node on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

    cd /
  9. View the directories.

    bin  boot  dev  etc  home  lib  lib64  media  mnt  opt  proc  root  run  sbin  srv  tmp  u01  usr  var
  10. Explore the Essbase directories. The applications are in the app directory, and the file catalog is in the catalog directory.

    cd /u01/data/essbase
    app  catalog  hybrid

Related topics

Connecting to an Instance

Simplify Secure Access with OCI Bastion Service