Test Connectivity to Essbase

After you deploy Oracle Essbase on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, test your connectivity to Essbase by logging in to the Essbase web interface, Cube Designer, the Essbase command-line tool (CLI), and MaxL.


For Essbase login URLs, see Essbase, REST, and Smart View Client URLs.

Log In to the Essbase web interface

  1. Find the value of essbase_url of the Essbase instance, as described in Prepare to Work with an Essbase Stack Instance.

  2. Start the Essbase stack, as described in Start the Essbase Stack.

  3. In a browser, enter the value of essbase_url of the Essbase instance.

  4. Log in as the initial Essbase service administrator, using the IAM or IDCS System Administrator User ID that you provided during stack deployment.

    When you first log in, a pop-up message requests application permissions. Click Allow. This message should not appear again.

Log in to Cube Designer

  1. Find the value of essbase_url of the Essbase instance, as described in Prepare to Work with an Essbase Stack Instance.

  2. Start the Essbase stack, as described in Start the Essbase Stack.

  3. Follow the steps to set up Cube Designer, as described in Set up Cube Designer.

  4. Log in as the initial Essbase service administrator, using the IAM or IDCS System Administrator User ID that you provided during stack deployment.

Log in to Essbase CLI

  1. Find the public IP address of the Essbase instance, as described in Prepare to Work with an Essbase Stack Instance. For example,

  2. Start the Essbase stack, as described in Start the Essbase Stack.

  3. Follow the steps to set up CLI, as described in Download and Use the Command-Line Interface.

  4. If you are connecting over VPN and you're using a load balancer, set a proxy. When proxies are needed, you must set them for each shell session. Example:

    set HTTPS_PROXY=www-proxy-example.com:80
  5. Change directories to the location where you downloaded the client. Example:

    cd ../../temp/client/cli
  6. Run the CLI shell, esscs.bat or esscs.sh, and log in as the initial Essbase service administrator, which is the IAM or IDCS System Administrator User ID that you provided during stack deployment.

    In the following example, as the password is not entered, the administrator will be prompted to provide it next. The URL is the essbase_url from the job outputs resulting from the stack deployment.

    esscs login -u admin1@example.com -url

    Any Identity Cloud Service users provisioned to work with Essbase can log in to CLI. The actions they can perform in CLI are determined by their roles and permissions. For details, see Understand Your Access Permissions in Essbase.

Log in to MaxL Client

  1. Find the public IP address of the Essbase instance, as described in Prepare to Work with an Essbase Stack Instance. For example,

  2. Start the Essbase stack, as described in Start the Essbase Stack.

  3. Follow the steps to set up MaxL, as described in Manage Essbase Using the MaxL Client.

  4. Change directories to the location where you downloaded the client. Example:

    cd ../../temp/client/maxl
  5. Run the startMAXL batch or shell script. A command prompt opens, and the MaxL Client starts up.

  6. Log in by providing your credentials and the Essbase URL in the MaxL login statement.

    In the following example, the user logging in, admin1@example.com, is the initial Essbase service administrator, which is the IAM or IDCS System Administrator User ID that you provided during Essbase stack deployment. As the password is not entered in this example, the administrator will be prompted to provide it next. The URL is the essbase_url from the job outputs resulting from the Essbase deployment.

    login admin1@example.com on "";

    Any Identity Cloud Service user provisioned to work with Essbase can log in to MaxL, as long as they are provisioned as a power user or administrator.