Basic Equations

You can apply a mathematical operation to a formula to create a basic equation. The equation can be in the database outline or in a calculation script.

The syntax for an equation:

member = mathematical_operation;

member is a member name from the database outline and mathematical_operation is any valid mathematical operation.

In the following example, Essbase cycles through the database, subtracting the values in COGS from the values in Sales, and placing the results in Margin:

Margin = Sales - COGS;

The following example shows how to use an equation in the database outline and in a calculation script. In the outline, apply the following formula to a Markup member:

(Retail - Cost) % Retail;

Then, in a calculation script, use this formula:

Markup = (Retail - Cost) % Retail;

Essbase cycles through the database, subtracting the values in Cost from the values in Retail, calculating the resulting values as a percentage of the values in Retail, and placing the result in Markup.