Nonconstant Values

If you assign anything other than a constant to a member in a sparse dimension, and no data block exists for that member, new blocks may not be created unless Essbase is enabled to create blocks on equations. By default, Create Blocks on Equations is disabled.

For example, to create blocks for West that did not exist before running the calculation, you must enable Create Blocks on Equations for this formula:

West = California + 120;


If Create Blocks on Equations is disabled for a database and data blocks exist for members on either the left- or right-side of the equation, the formula produces results.

You can enable Create Blocks on Equations at the database level, whereby blocks are always created, or you can control block creation within calculation scripts using the SET CREATEBLOCKONEQ ON | OFF calculation command.

Because unnecessary blocks can be created when Create Blocks on Equations is enabled at the application or database level, calculation performance can be affected. To control block creation within a calculation script, use the SET CREATEBLOCKONEQ ON | OFF calculation command. See Nonconstant Values Assigned to Members in a Sparse Dimension.

To enable the Create Blocks on Equations feature for all calculation scripts for a specific database, you can use the alter database MaxL statement.