General Process for Creating Rules

To create data load or dimension build rules that define how data and metadata are loaded into Essbase, start by providing Essbase information about the source data, such as where it is located and how it is shaped. Specify delimiters, build method, and source property information.

Dimension Build Rules Workflow

To create a dimension build rule, use the following workflow:

  1. In the Scripts tab of the cube inspector, initiate the process to create a new rule.

    See Create New Dimension Build Rule.

  2. If a file is the source of data, set the file delimiters for the source data.

    See Set File Delimiters.

  3. If an external database is the source of data, set up connectivity to the source.

    See Define Rules that Query External Sources.

  4. If you are creating a new dimension, name/add it as you define the rule.

    See Create New Dimension Build Rule.

  5. Select the build method.

    See Select a Build Method.

  6. If necessary, change or set the properties of members and dimensions you are building.

    See Set Dimension Build Operational Instructions.

  7. If necessary, perform record, field, or data to make changes during the load operation.

  8. Set field type information, including field type, field number, and dimension.

    See Set Dimension Build Field Type Information.

  9. Validate and save the rules file.

    See Validate Rules.

Data Load Rules Workflow

  1. In the Scripts tab of the cube inspector, initiate the process to create a new rule.

    See Create New Data Load Rule.

  2. Set the file delimiters for the source data.

    See Set File Delimiters.

  3. Map each rule field to the source data, and define field properties.

    See Define Data Load Field Properties.

  4. If necessary, set record, field, and data operations to change the data in the source data during loading.

  5. Validate and save the rule.