Back Up and Restore Essbase: EPM Security Plus Shared Services Native Directory

Use the following process to back up and restore an Essbase instance if using EPM Security Plus Shared Services Native Directory.

Back Up Essbase: EPM Security Plus Shared Services Native Directory

Use the following process to back up an Essbase instance if using EPM Security Plus Shared Services Native Directory.

  1. Back Up Contents of the Source Application Directory

    Your backup strategy for the <Application Directory> will depend on the hardware used to create it. If you mounted a separate disk volume, then you have a portable backup. You should still routinely take a backup your <Application Directory> with every planned periodic backup.

    If you haven’t mounted your <Application Directory> as a separate drive, you can simply compress its contents and safely move the archive to a secure, separate location. If you mounted a separate disk volume, you can copy the disk volume.

    1. Check that your Essbase services are stopped. See Stop, Start, and Check Servers.
    2. Go to the <Application Directory>.
      cd <Application Directory>


      cd /scratch/user/oracle_home/user_projects/applications/essbase
    3. Compress the directory contents, providing the location and file name.
      tar -czvf <path to backup file location>/<backupfilename>.tar.gz *


      tar -czvf /scratch/user/expuserfiles/appdir_backup.tar.gz *
  2. Back Up the source Essbase Relational Database Schema.

    Depending on the relational database you configured for use with Essbase, your steps may vary. The following example illustrates the use of Oracle Data Pump against supported Oracle Databases.

    Execute Oracle Data Pump from the command line on the server where your Oracle Database is installed.


    Alternatively, you can manage your database remotely using Oracle Instant Client.

    Assume your source Essbase instance is deployed with a relational database schema prefix called "essbase1."

    1. Make sure that your source Essbase services are still stopped.
    2. Confirm that the pluggable database (PDB) into which you deployed your Essbase schemas is in your tnsnames.ora file.
    3. On the server running your Oracle Database, create a directory path into which Data Pump can write database export files. Make sure the operating system user executing datapump commands has write privileges on this path.


      mkdir /scratch/user/expuserfiles
    4. Connect to the database containing your source Essbase schema.
    5. Log in to SQLplus as sysdba and create a role for your datapump user with the following minimum roles/privileges:
      alter session set container=<your container name>;
      create user <username> identified by <password>;
      create directory <dirname> as '<full path disk location>';
      create role <rolename>;
      grant create session, create table to dp_role;
      grant read, write on directory exports to <rolename>;
      grant DATAPUMP_EXP_FULL_DATABASE to <rolename>;
      grant DATAPUMP_IMP_FULL_DATABASE to <rolename>;
      grant <rolename> to <username>;
      alter user <username> default tablespace users;
      alter user <username> quota unlimited on users;


      alter session set container=orclpdb; 
      create user expuser identified by password;
      create directory exports as '/scratch/user/expuserfiles';
      create role dp_role;
      grant create session, create table to dp_role;
      grant read, write on directory exports to dp_role;
      grant DATAPUMP_EXP_FULL_DATABASE to dp_role;
      grant DATAPUMP_IMP_FULL_DATABASE to dp_role;
      grant dp_role to expuser;
      alter user expuser default tablespace users;
      alter user expuser quota unlimited on users;
    6. Execute Oracle Data Pump from the command line on the server where your Oracle Database is installed.


      Alternatively, you can manage your database remotely using Oracle Instant Client.
      On the server where your database is running, export the <schemaprefix>_Essbase schema using the Data Pump expdp command:


      Be sure to set the Oracle environment for your database before running Data Pump.
      expdp <username>@<service name> directory=<dirname> dumpfile=<dumpfilename>.dmp logfile=<logname>.log schemas=<schemaprefix>_Essbase


      expdp expuser@orclpdb directory=exports dumpfile=essbase1.dmp logfile=essbase1.log schemas=essbase1_Essbase
  3. Back up EPM Shared Services assigned roles.

    This step does not apply to WebLogic security. In the case of EPM Shared Services security, Essbase application permissions aren’t stored or managed in Essbase. Rather, Essbase user and application roles are assigned to users and groups using EPM Shared Services.

    EPM Shared Services stores these roles, so it is important to take backups using the Shared Services Console that contain your Essbase users and groups.


    These backup instructions apply to the Shared Services Console that houses users and groups for Essbase, and not the main EPM Shared Services that contains all the Planning and other EPM applications users and groups.
    1. In EPM Shared Services, expand Foundation in the Application Groups section.
    2. Select Shared Services.
    3. Select Native Directory.
    4. Click Export (bottom right).

      Exported files are moved into the <EPM_Instance>/import_export folder by default.

Restore Essbase: EPM Security Plus Shared Services Native Directory

Follow these steps to restore Essbase using EPM Shared Services security plus Shared Services Native Directory.

  1. Configure a target Essbase instance.

    If your source host/hardware didn't fail and you are just recovering your Essbase instance, you can unconfigure the source instance and then configure a new target instance using the same Fusion Middleware <Oracle Home>.

    1. Use the Essbase Configuration Tool to configure a target Essbase instance.
      /<path to Fusion Middleware Oracle Home>/essbase/bin/


    2. Configure the target domain:
      1. Use the same WebLogic admin username and password as the Essbase source instance.
      2. Use the same domain name as the source.
      3. Use the same <Application Directory> as the source.


        It is essential that the full application directory is idential for target instance, otherwise, some Essbase functionality will not work.
      4. You may use the same pluggable database (PDB), or a different one.


        You will need a new schema prefix, unless you removed your source schemas during unconfigure.

      5. Select EPM security and use the same EPM_ORACLE_HOME and EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE.

      Refer to your configuration response file from the source instance, which was originally created at /tmp/essbase_config_<date_timestamp>/config.rsp.

  2. Restore the <Application Directory> Folder Contents from the Source Backup into the Target Instance.
    1. Confirm that all services on the target instance are stopped. See Stop, Start, and Check Servers.
    2. Move the existing <Application Directory> to a different location.
      mv <Application Directory> <Application Directory>.old


      mv /scratch/user/oracle_home/user_projects/applications/essbase /scratch/user/oracle_home/user_projects/applications/essbase.old 
    3. Create the <Application Directory>.
      mkdir /<Application Directory>


      mkdir /scratch/user/oracle_home/user_projects/applications/essbase
    4. Go to the <Application Directory>.
      cd <Application Directory>


      cd /scratch/user/oracle_home/user_projects/applications/essbase
    5. Unzip the contents of the source <Application Directory> backup into the target <Application Directory> (app, catalog, hybrid,
      tar -zxvf <path to backup file location>/<backup file name>.tar.gz


      tar -zxvf /scratch/user/expuserfiles/appdir_backup.tar.gz
  3. Restore the Essbase Relational Database Schema.

    Depending on the relational database you configured for use with Essbase, your steps may vary. The following example illustrates the use of Oracle Data Pump against supported Oracle Databases.

    1. Confirm that all services on the target instance are stopped.
    2. Execute Oracle Data Pump from the command line on the server where your Oracle Database is installed.


      Alternatively, you can manage your database using Oracle Instant Client.
    3. Import the Essbase source schema backup (.dmp file) into the target, replacing the source schema prefix with the target schema prefix:

      impdp <username>@<service name> directory=<dirname> dumpfile=<source dumpfilename>.dmp REMAP_SCHEMA=<source schemaprefix>_Essbase:<target schemaprefix>_Essbase partition_options=merge table_exists_action=replace


      impdp expuser@orclpdb directory=exports dumpfile=essbase1.dmp  REMAP_SCHEMA=essbase1_ESSBASE:essbase2_ESSBASE partition_options=merge table_exists_action=replace
  4. Import Source Assigned Roles Into Shared Services.


    Shared Services is not stopped during this process.
    Because this is EPM security, roles are not managed natively in Essbase. Instead, they are managed in Shared Services, so import source Assigned Roles into Shared Services, which is now registered with the target Essbase domain.
    1. In Shared Services, under File System, expand your <Shared Services> backup and select HSS-<Shared Services BackupName>.
    2. Expand Native Directory.
    3. Expand Assigned Roles.
    4. Select EssbaseCluster-1 to restore all Essbase application and server access roles in your target Essbase instance.
    5. Click Import (bottom right), and click OK.
  5. Start the target instance.

    Start target instance Essbase services. See Stop, Start, and Check Servers.