Modify CRASHDUMP Configuration

By default, CRASHDUMP configuration is set to automatically clear created Essbase Application Folders stored in the tmp folder. You must delete the core files in this location, as necessary.

After Essbase configuration, check your CRASHDUMP and CRASHDUMPLOCATION settings in the Essbase configuration file - you may need to change the default location setting to your specified location.

  • CRASHDUMP—indicates whether Essbase saves a core dump to a file when an abnormal termination of an application server process occurs.

  • CRASHDUMPLOCATION—specifies the location where Essbase saves a core dump file when an abnormal application termination occurs. By default, CRASHDUMPLOCATION configuration is set to the tmp folder.

For more information on essbase.cfg, see Essbase Server Configuration File (essbase.cfg). To edit essbase.cfg as needed, see Set Server-Level Configuration Properties in Configuration Reference for Oracle Essbase documentation.