Start and Validate the Essbase Failover Configuration

Confirm that the failover configuration works by starting and then validating it.

Start the Failover Configuration
  1. Start the Node Manager on node 2.
    1. Check whether Node Manager is running.
      • On Linux, SSH to Node 2 and check whether Node Manager is running using ps -lf | grep NodeManager.
      • On Windows, check the java process in Task Manager.
    2. If it is not running, start it

      On Linux:

      <Domain Home>/bin/ &

      On Windows:

      <Domain Home>\bin\startNodeManager.cmd &
  2. SSH to Host 1 and restart Essbase (the AdminServer and both the managed servers) as described in Stop, Start, and Check Servers.


    In EPM deployments only, the EPM WebLogic Server should be started before starting the Essbase managed server.

    In order to start and stop each server individually, use the -i parameter with server name.

    Linux Example:

    <Domain Home>/esstools/bin/ -i essbase_server1
    <Domain Home>/esstools/bin/ -i essbase_server1

    Windows Example:

    <Domain Home>\esstools\bin\start.cmd -i essbase_server1
    <Domain Home>\esstools\bin\stop.cmd -i essbase_server1

    To check the node status, use,

    On Linux:
    <Domain Home>/esstools/bin/

    On Windows:

    <Domain Home>\esstools\bin\status.cmd
  3. Log in to the admin console of Host 1.
  4. Click on the <Domain Name> -> Environment -> Servers link and verify that both the Essbase managed servers are shown as RUNNING.
Validate the Failover Configuration
  1. Log in to the Essbase admin console using the Oracle HTTP Server link: http(s)://OHS_Host_Name:OHS_Port/essbase/jet.
  2. Manually stop the active node using,

    On Linux: -i managed_server_name

    On Windows:

    stop.cmd -i managed_server_name

    To validate that the failover node takes over, manually stop the active node using (Linux) or stop.cmd (Windows).

    Linux Example: -i essbase_server1
    Windows Example:
    stop.cmd -i essbase_server1

    The Essbase clients require a new login after every node switch.


Essbase is not accessible for a few seconds during the transition from the active node to the passive node. The length of time depends on the configuration settings, AGENTLEASEEXPIRATIONTIME and AGENTLEASERENEWALTIME.