Essbase Failover Post Configuration Tasks

After configuration, you may want to patch the nodes, or make custom changes to configuration files.

Patching Nodes

To patch the nodes with the latest binaries, follow the steps in Patch and Restore, applying opatches to each node.


Perform the start and stop operations mentioned in the above link only from the primary node.
Additional Steps if Making Custom essbase.cfg, esssql.cfg or odbc.ini Changes
Make any changes needed in essbase.cfg, esssql.cfg, or odbc.ini under <Domain Home>. Do this only on the primary node, Host 1, and restart the managed servers to avoid any inconsistency between applications. Use one of the following methods:
  • Shut down the cluster completely, make changes to the essbase.cfg, esssql.cfg, or odbc.ini file on the primary node, and then restart everything. This avoids any inconsistency between applications, but it results in more down time.
  • Shutdown servers on primary node, make changes to the essbase.cfg, esssql.cfg or odbc.ini file, and restart servers. Once node 1 is restarted, restart node 2. This results in less down time.