Create Application (Aggregate Storage)

The MaxL create application statement for ASO mode helps you create or re-create an Essbase application, either from scratch or as a copy of another application on the same server.

Click here for non-aggregate storage version

See APP-NAME for information on the maximum length of and special characters that are allowed in an application name. Application names are not case-sensitive.


Description of creapp_as.gif follows
Description of the illustration creapp_as.gif

You can create an application in the following ways using the aggregate storage version of create application.


create application

Create a new application. Application names are not case-sensitive.

create or replace application

Create an application, or replace an existing application of the same name. Application names are not case-sensitive.

...type nonunicode_mode

Create a Non Unicode-mode application. This is also the default if these keywords are omitted.

...type unicode_mode

Create a Unicode-mode application.

...using aggregate_storage

Create an application using an aggregate storage model. Only one database per application is allowed. Selecting to use aggregate storage model for an application is non-reversible.

Use the aggregate storage model if the following is true for your database:

  • The database is sparse and has many dimensions, or a large hierarchical depth of members in the dimensions.

  • The database is used primarily for read-only purposes; there are few or no data updates.

  • There are no formulas on the outline except in the dimension tagged as Accounts.

  • Calculation of the database is frequent and highly aggregational, with no dependency on calculation scripts.

create application as

Create an application as a copy of another application. Application names are not case-sensitive.

You cannot copy block storage applications to aggregate storage applications or vice versa. The copy will always use the same storage as the original. However, you can convert an outline from a block storage database to an aggregate storage database, using create outline.

Before you copy an aggregate storage application, you must merge all incremental data slices into the main database slice. Data in unmerged incremental data slices is not copied.


Create an application description (optional). The description can contain up to 80 characters.


create application Sample2 using aggregate_storage comment 'aggregate storage application.';

Creates a new aggregate storage application called Sample2, with an associated comment.