The APP-NAME terminal in the MaxL language for Essbase represents the name of an application.

The application name must not exceed 8 bytes (non-Unicode-mode applications) or 30 characters (Unicode-mode applications). Avoid using spaces. Application names are not case-sensitive.

If the name contains any allowed special characters, it must be enclosed in single or double quotation marks. Only the following special characters are allowed by Essbase within application names:

% (percent sign)
$ (dollar sign)
- (minus sign)
{ (open brace)
} (close brace)
( (open parenthesis)
) (close parenthesis)
! (exclamation mark)
~ (tilde)
` (accent mark)
# (pound sign)
& (ampersand)
@ (at sign)
^ (caret)


name (see MaxL Syntax Notes)

