Deploy: Create a Cube from a Workbook

The deploy CLI command for Essbase creates a cube from an Excel application workbook. To run this command, you need at least Power User role.


deploy [-verbose] -file fileName [-application application [-database database] | -catalogfile catalogFile] [-restructureoption restructureOption] [-loaddata] [-recreateapplication] [-createfiles] [-executescript]
Option Abbreviation Description
-verbose -v Show extended descriptions
-file -f Name of the application workbook file
-application -a Optional. Application name. If not provided, application name will be taken from the workbook.
-database -db Optional. Database (cube) name. If not provided, database name will be taken from the workbook.
-catalogfile -CF Application workbook from the file catalog. You can use this option in place of -file.
-loaddata -l Optional. Load data, if the application workbook contains a data worksheet. Otherwise, only metadata is imported into the cube.
-restructureoption -R Optional. Keyword indicating the desired restructuring option.

The options for block storage cubes are:

  • ALL_DATA—Preserve all data

  • NO_DATA—Preserve no data

  • LEAFLEVEL_DATA—Preserve level 0 (leaf level) data

  • INPUT_DATA—Preserve input data

The options for aggregate storage cubes are:

  • ALL_DATA—Preserve all data

  • NO_DATA—Preserve no data

-recreateapplication -ra Optional. Re-create the application, if it already exists
-createfiles -cf Optional. Create cube artifacts in the files directory in Essbase.
-executescript -e Optional. Execute calculation scripts. Applicable only if the application workbook contains a calculation worksheet with Execute Calc set to Yes in the definitions.


esscs deploy -v -a SampleD1 -d BasicD1 -f Sample_Basic.xlsx -l -ra -cf -e
esscs deploy -CF "/gallery/Applications/Demo Samples/Block Storage/Sample_Basic.xlsx" -a Sample1 -l -cf -e -R ALL_DATA

You can also deploy cubes using Cube Designer, or by using the Import option in the Applications section of the Essbase web interface.