Dimbuild: Load Dimensions to a Cube

The dimbuild CLI command for Essbase loads dimensions to a cube. To run this command, you need at least Database Manager permission for the cube.

Before you can load dimensions, you must first upload the dimension-build and rule files to Essbase. You can use the CLI to upload files. See Upload: Add Cube Files.


dimbuild [-verbose] -application appname -db cubename -file fileName [| -catalogfile catalogFile] -rule rulesFile [| -catalogrulefile catalogRulesFile]] [-user userName [-password password]] [-stream] [-connection connectionName][-query queryString] [-rows n]] [-restructureOption restructureOption] [-forcedimbuild]
Option Abbreviation Description
-verbose -v Show extended descriptions
-application -a Application name
-db -d Database (cube) name
-file -f Dimension build file name. You do not need to give a full path. Files are assumed to be in the relevant application or database directory. You can use -catalogfile in place of this option.
-rule -r Rule file name. You do not need to give a full path. Files are assumed to be in the relevant application or database directory. You can use -catalogrulefile in place of this option.
-catalogfile -CF Dimension build file name from the file catalog. You can use this option in place of -file.
-catalogrulefile -CRF Rule file name from the file catalog. You can use this option in place of -rule.
-user -u Optional. User name. Requires password if used.

If you are using a saved connection and Datasource, no user name and password are required. If you are not using a saved connection, and the rule file connects to an RDBMS, specify the user name and password to connect to the RDBMS.

-password -p Optional. Password for user. If omitted, user will be prompted for password.
-stream -S Optional. Use streaming dimension build. Requires -conn option if used.
-connection -conn Required if streaming option is used. Name of a saved connection that was created using the createlocalconnection CLI command.
-query -q Optional. Database query to submit along with the streaming dimension build.
-rows -rows Optional. Number of rows to stream simultaneously. Default is 100.
-restructureOption -R

Controls your preservation choices for the outline restructure.

For block storage, possible options are:

  • ALL_DATA: Preserve all data when loading dimensions.
  • NO_DATA: Do not preserve data.
  • LEAFLEVEL_DATA: Preserve only level 0 data values. If all data required for calculation resides in level-0 members, then you should select this option. All upper-level blocks are deleted before the cube is restructured. When the cube is recalculated, the upper-level blocks are re-created.
  • INPUT_DATA: Preserve only input data.

For aggregate storage, possible options are:

  • ALL_DATA: Preserve all data when loading dimensions.
  • NO_DATA: Do not preserve data.

-forcedimbuild -F Continue the dimension build even if other user activities are in progress. This cancels active user sessions.


esscs dimbuild -a Sample -d Basic -r Basic.rul -u smith -p password -R NO_DATA -F
esscs dimbuild -a Sample -d Basic -r Basic.rul -S -conn oraConn -q "Select * from Data" -rows 50 -R NO_DATA
esscs dimbuild -a Sample -db Basic -CRF /users/weblogic/Dim_Market.rul -CF /shared/Market.txt -R ALL_DATA -F

You can also load dimensions using Cube Designer, Jobs in the Essbase web interface or REST API, or import dimensions in MaxL.