ESSCMD to MaxL Mapping

The following table compares ESSCMD shell usage to MaxL usage, and the following conversions are supported by cmd2mxl.

Table 3-25 ESSCMD shell to MaxL Mapping

ESSCMD shell Command ESSCMD shell Usage Example MaxL Equivalent Example
ADDUSER ADDUSER finance essexer1; N/A. User management statements no longer supported in MaxL.
BEGINARCHIVE beginarchive sample basic "test.txt"; alter database Sample.Basic begin archive to file 'test.txt';
BEGININCBUILDDIM beginincbuilddim; import database Sample.Basic dimensions from local text data_file 'c:\\data.txt' using local rules_file 'c:\\data_rule.rul' on error write to 'c:\\error.log';
BUILDDIM builddim 1 "c:\data_rul.rul" 3 "c:\data.txt" 4 "c:\error.log"; Same as BEGININCDIMBUILD
CALC calc "CALC ALL;"; execute calculation 'CALC ALL' on sample.basic;
CALCDEFAULT calcdefault; execute calculation default on Sample.Basic;
CALCLINE calcline "CALC ALL;"; execute calculation 'CALC ALL;' on sample.basic;
COPYAPP copyapp sample sampnew; create application sampnew as sample;
COPYDB copydb sample basic sample basic2; create or replace database sample.basic2 as sample.basic;
COPYFILTER copyfilter sample basic westwrite sample basic westmgr; create filter sample.basic.westmgr as sample.basic.westwrite;
COPYOBJECT copyobject "9" "sample" "basic" "calcdat" "sample" "basic" "calcdat2"; alter object sample.basic.calcdat of type text copy to 'sample.basic.calcdat2';
CREATEAPP createapp finance; create or replace application finance;
CREATEDB createdb finance investor; create or replace database finance.investor;
CREATEGROUP creategroup managers; N/A. User management statements no longer supported in MaxL.

select sample basic;

createlocation hq hqserver finance investor admin password;

alter system load application sample;

alter application sample load database basic;

create location alias hq from sample.basic to finance.investor at hqserver as admin identified by 'password';

CREATEUSER createuser karen password; N/A. User management statements no longer supported in MaxL.
CREATEVARIABLE createvariable CurMnth localhost sample basic Jan;

alter database sample.basic add variable CurMnth 'Jan';

alter application sample add variable CurMnth 'Jan';

alter system add variable CurMnth 'Jan';

DELETEAPP deleteapp sampnew; drop application sampnew cascade;
DELETEDB deletedb demo basic; drop database demo.basic;
DELETEGROUP deletegroup engg; N/A. User management statements no longer supported in MaxL.

select finance investor;

deletelocation hq1;

alter system load application finance;

alter application finance load database investor;

drop location alias finance.investor.hq1;

DELETELOG deletelog sample; alter application sample clear logfile;
DELETEUSER deleteuser rob; N/A. User management statements no longer supported in MaxL.

select sample basic;

deletevariable CurMnth "localhost";

alter system load application sample;

alter application sample load database basic;

alter database sample.basic drop variable CurMnth;

alter application sample drop variable CurMnth;

alter system drop variable CurMnth;

DISABLELOGIN disablelogin demo; alter application demo disable connects;

select sample basic;

displayalias "default";

query database sample.basic list alias_names in alias_table 'Default';
ENABLELOGIN enablelogin demo; alter application demo enable connects;
ENDARCHIVE endarchive sample basic; alter database sample.basic end archive;

select sample basic;


query database sample.basic get estimated size;
EXIT exit; exit;

select sample basic;

export "c:\data.txt" 1;

alter system load application sample;

alter application sample load database basic;

export database Sample.Basic all data to data_file 'c:\\data.txt';


select samppart company;

getallreplcells "svr2" "sampeast" "east";

alter system load application samppart;

alter application samppart load database company;

refresh replicated partition from sampeast.east at svr2;

GETAPPINFO getappinfo "demo"; display application demo;
GETAPPSTATE getappstate demo; display application demo;

select sample basic;


query database sample.basic get attribute_spec;

select sample basic;

getattrinfo "Caffeinated_True";

query database sample.basic get attribute_info 'Caffeinated_True';

select sample basic;


display database sample.basic request_history;
GETDBSTATE getdbstate sample basic; display database sample.basic;

select sample basic;


query database sample.basic get dbstats data_block;
GETCRRATE getcrrate; query database sample.basic get currency_rate;

select sample basic;


query database sample.basic get default calculation;

select sample basic;

getmbrcalc "Profit %";

query database sample.basic get member_calculation 'Profit %';

select sample basic;

getmbrinfo "Ounces_20";

query database sample.basic get member_info 'Ounces_20';

select sample basic;


query database sample.basic get performance statistics kernel_cache table;
GETUSERINFO getuserinfo admin; display user admin;
GETVERSION getversion; version;

select sample basic;

import 1 "c:\data.txt" 4 y 3 "c:\import.rul" n "c:\data_load.err";

alter system load application sample;

alter application sample load database basic;

import database sample.basic data from local text data_file 'c:\\data.txt' using local rules_file 'c:\\data_rule.rul' on error write to 'c:\\data_load.err';


select sample basic;


query database sample.basic list alias_table;
LISTAPP listapp; display application all;
LISTDB listdb; display database all;
LISTFILES listfiles "" "sample" "basic"; query database sample.basic list all file information;
LISTFILTERS listfilters sample basic; display filter on database Sample.Basic;
LISTGROUPS listgroups; display group all;
LISTGROUPUSERS listgroupusers finance; display user in group finance;

select sample basic;

listlinkedobjects "Fiona" "07/07/2003";

query database sample.basic list lro by Fiona before '07/07/2003';

select sample basic;


alter system load application sample;

alter application sample load database basic;

display location alias on database sample.basic;

LISTLOCKS listlocks; display lock;
LISTLOGINS listlogins; display session all;
LISTOBJECTS listobjects "2" "Sample" "Basic"; display object of type calc_script on database sample.basic;
LISTUSERS listusers; display user all;
LISTVARIABLES listvariables localhost sample basic; display variable on database sample.basic;

select sample basic;

loadalias "special_flavors" "C:\Hyperion\products\Essbase\EssbaseServer\app\sample\basic\seasonal.txt";

alter database sample.basic load alias_table 'special_flavors' from data_file "$ARBORPATH\\app\\sample\\basic\\seasonal.txt";
LOADAPP loadapp sample; alter system load application sample;
LOADDB loaddb sample basic; alter application sample load database basic;

select sample basic;

loaddata 3 "c:\data.txt";

alter system load application sample;

alter application sample load database basic;

import database sample.basic data from local text data_file 'c:\\data.txt' on error abort;

LOGIN login local admin password; login admin 'password' on local;
LOGOUT logout; logout;
LOGOUTALLUSERS logoutallusers y; alter system logout session all;
LOGOUTUSER Available only in interactive ESSCMD shell sessions. alter system logout session 4294967295;

output 1 c:\test.log;

output 4;

spool on to 'c:\test.log';

spool off;

PURGELINKEDOBJECTS purgelinkedobjects "Fiona" "07/07/2002"; alter database sample.basic delete lro by 'fiona' before '07/07/2002';

select sampeast east;

putallreplcells svr1 samppart company;

alter system load application sampeast;

alter application sampeast load database east;

refresh replicated partition sampeast.east from at svr1 updated data;

REMOVELOCKS removelocks "2"; drop lock held by Fiona;
REMOVEUSER removeuser finance steve; N/A. User management statements no longer supported in MaxL.
RENAMEAPP renameapp sample newsamp1; alter application sample rename to newsamp1;
RENAMEDB renamedb sample basic newbasic; alter database sample.basic rename to newbasic;
RENAMEFILTER renamefilter sample basic westmgr allwest;

create or replace filter sample.basic.westmgr as sample.basic.allwest;

drop filter sample.basic.westmgr;

RENAMEOBJECT RENAMEOBJECT "9" "sample" "basic" "calcdat" "calcdat2"; alter object sample.basic.calcdat of type text rename to 'calcdat2';
RENAMEUSER renameuser steve_m m_steve; N/A. User management statements no longer supported in MaxL.

select sample basic;


alter database sample.basic reset;
RESETPERFSTATS resetperfstats enable; alter database sample.basic set performance statistics enabled;

The only command supported is the server based calc script execution.

Select Sample.Basic;

Runcalc 2 one;

execute calculation;
RUNREPT select sample basic; runrept 2 complex "c:\complex.out";

alter system load application sample;

alter application load database basic;

export database sample.basic using server report_file 'complex' to data_file 'c:\\complex.out';

SELECT select sample basic;

alter system load application sample;

alter application load database basic;


select sample basic;

setalias "long names";

alter database sample.basic set active alias_table 'Long Names';
SETAPPSTATE setappstate sample "" y y 4 y y y y 1000 1000;

alter application sample enable startup;

alter application sample enable autostartup;

alter application sample set minimum permission manager;

alter application sample enable connects;

alter application sample enable commands;

alter application sample enable updates;

alter application sample enable security;

alter application sample set lock_timeout after 1000 seconds;

alter application sample set max_lro_file_size 1000 kb;

SETDBSTATE setdbstate "" "Y" "Y" 4 3145728 "Y" "Y" "Y" "" "" 0 1048576 1025 "Y";

alter database sample.basic enable startup;

alter database sample.basic enable autostartup;

alter database sample.basic set minimum permission manager;

alter database sample.basic set data_cache_size 3145728;

alter database sample.basic enable aggregate_missing;

alter database sample.basic enable two_pass_calc;

alter database sample.basic enable create_blocks;

alter database sample.basic set currency_conversion division;

alter database sample.basic set index_cache_size 1048576;

alter database sample.basic enable compression;



See the alter database statement.

select sample basic;

setdefaultcalc "CALC ALL;";

alter database sample.basic set default calculation as 'CALC ALL';

select sample basic;

setdefaultcalcfile defcalc;

Create a calculation file in the server containing the calculation string. Then, alter database sample.sasic set default calculation sample.basic.defcalc; will set the default calculation.
SETMSGLEVEL setmsglevel 2;

set message level all;


This is part of the separate MaxL Shell grammar, not the MaxL language itself.

SETPASSWORD setpassword steve newpass; N/A. User management statements no longer supported in MaxL.
SHUTDOWNSERVER shutdownserver local admin password;

login admin 'password' on local;

alter system shutdown;

SLEEP sleep 10; shell sleep 10;

select sample basic;

unloadalias "flavors";

alter database sample.basic unload alias_table 'flavors';
UNLOADAPP unloadapp sample; alter system unload application sample;
UNLOADDB unloaddb sample basic; alter application sample unload database basic;
UNLOCKOBJECT unlockobject "1" "sample" "basic" "basic"; alter object 'sample.basic.basic' of type outline unlock;

select sample.basic

update "Jan Sales '100-10' Florida Actual 220";

import database sample.basic from data_string 'Jan Sales 100-10 Florida Actual 220';
UPDATEFILE updatefile 3 "c:\data.txt" 1; same as LOADDATA;
UPDATEVARIABLE updatevariable hot_product local sample basic "100-10";

alter system set variable 'hot_product' '100-10';

alter application sample set variable 'hot_product' "100-10";

alter database Sample.Basic set variable 'hot_product' '100-10';

VALIDATE validate; alter database sample.basic validate data to local logfile 'validation.txt';