Things to Note About the ESSCMD shell Script Utility

  1. The utility will only translate syntactically and semantically valid ESSCMD shell scripts.

  2. For invalid ESSCMD shell scripts, the resulting MaxL script is undefined.

  3. All ESSCMD shell statements in the scripts should end with a semicolon ( ; ) statement terminator.

  4. This utility will only work on Windows platforms.

  5. Although most ESSCMD shell commands have corresponding MaxL statements, there are exceptions. For such exceptions, a comment will be generated in the logfile, and the resulting MaxL script will have to be modified to work correctly. Note that if an ESSCMD shell command is still needed, it can be invoked from a MaxL script using shell esscmd <scriptname>.

  6. All strings in the ESSCMD shell scripts should be surrounded by double quotation marks ("").