Adds the specified member and its descendants to the report.



When used as an extraction command in conjunction with the <LINK command, the syntax is:

<IDESCENDANTS (mbrName [, gen/levelName [, AT|UPTO]])



Name of single member and descendants to add to the report.


Optional. Generation or level name.


Optional. Keyword indicating that all descendants at the specified generation or level should be returned. If AT or UPTO are omitted, this behavior is the default.


Optional. Keyword indicating that all descendants between the root member and up to the specified generation or level should be returned. The root member is also returned.


Adding the descendants of the top of the dimension adds all the members in the dimension to the report, including the dimension top.


Example 1

The following report script is designed for the Demo Basic cube, available in the gallery. <IDESCENDANTS Product adds all the members from the Product dimension to the report. Audio and Visual are the children of Product. Stereo and Compact_Disc are the children of Audio, while Television, VCR, and Camera are the children of Visual.

<PAGE (Market, Accounts, Scenario)
Chicago Sales Actual
<COLUMN (Year)
<ROW (Product)

This example produces the following report:

                     Chicago Sales Actual 

                 Qtr1   Qtr2   Qtr3   Qtr4    Year
              ======= ====== ====== ====== =======

Stereo          2,591  2,476  2,567  3,035  10,669
Compact_Disc    3,150  3,021  3,032  3,974  13,177
  Audio         5,741  5,497  5,599  7,009  23,846
Television      4,410  4,001  4,934  6,261  19,606
VCR             3,879  3,579  4,276  4,877  16,611
Camera          2,506  2,522  2,602  3,227  10,857
  Visual       10,795 10,102 11,812 14,365  47,074
    Product    16,536 15,599 17,411 21,374  70,920

Example 2

The following report script is designed for the Demo Basic cube, available in the gallery.

This example produces the following report:

      Year Product Accounts Scenario 

New_York           15,647 
Boston             15,644 
Chicago            15,285 
San_Francisco      20,727 
Seattle            14,667 
Denver             13,016 
Los_Angeles        14,429 
Dallas              8,585 
Houston             7,874 
Phoenix             8,106 
    Market        133,980 

Example 3

The following report script is designed for the Demo Basic cube, available in the gallery.

This example produces the following report:

      Year Product Accounts Scenario 

    Market        133,980 
New_York           15,647 
Boston             15,644 
Chicago            15,285 
  East             46,576 
San_Francisco      20,727 
Seattle            14,667 
Denver             13,016 
Los_Angeles        14,429 
  West             62,839 
Dallas              8,585 
Houston             7,874 
Phoenix             8,106 
  South            24,565