Uses the AND, OR, and NOT Boolean operators, combined with extraction commands, to refine member selections.


<LINK (extractionCommand [operator extractionCommand])



Any of the following extraction commands or another AND/OR expression:

  • <ALLINSAMEDIM (member)

  • <ALLSIBLINGS (member)

  • <ANCESTORS (member)

  • <CHILDREN (member)

  • <DESCENDANTS (member [, gen/levelName [, AT|UPTO]])

  • <DIMBOTTOM (member)

  • <DIMTOP (member)

  • <IANCESTORS (member)

  • <ICHILDREN (member)

  • <IDESCENDANTS (member [, gen/levelName [, AT|UPTO]])

  • <IPARENT (member)

  • <MATCH (Dimension, match_string)

  • <MEMBER (member)

  • <OFSAMEGEN (member)

  • <ONSAMELEVELAS (member)

  • <PARENT (member)

  • <UDA (Dimension, UDA_name)


Any of the following Boolean operators:

  • Use the AND operator when all conditions must be met.

  • Use the OR operator when either one condition or another must be met.

  • Use the NOT operator to choose the inverse of the selected condition.


  • NOT can only be associated with an extraction command, and does not apply to the entire expression. You must use NOT in conjunction with either the AND or OR operators.

  • The MEMBER extraction command is only used within a LINK expression; you can use the MEMBER selection to select a single member. Do not use the MEMBER command outside of a LINK expression.

  • You must select members from the same dimension, and all extraction command arguments must be enclosed in parentheses, as in the example above.

  • Essbase evaluates operators from left to right. Use parentheses to group the expressions. For example: A OR B AND C is the same as ((A OR B) AND C). In the first expression Essbase evaluates the expression from left to right, evaluating A OR B before evaluating AND C. In the second expression, Essbase evaluates the sub-expression in parentheses (A OR B) before the whole expression, producing the same result. However, if you use (A OR (B AND C)), Essbase evaluates the sub-expression in parentheses (B AND C) before the whole expression, producing a different result.

  • You can include up to 50 arguments in a LINK statement. For example, <LINK (A OR B OR (C AND D)) counts as four separate arguments.

  • All extraction commands within a LINK statement need to select from the same dimensions; a command such as LINK (<ICHILDREN (east) AND <LEV (product,0)) causes a syntax error.

  • If the LINK command returns an empty set of members, nothing is returned.


<LINK (<UDA(product,Sweet) AND <LEV(product,0))

Selects all level 0 products that are sweet.

<LINK ((<IDESCENDANTS("100") AND <UDA(product,Sweet)) OR <LEV(product, 0))

Selects sweet products from the "100" sub-tree plus all level 0 products.

<LINK ((<IDESCENDANTS("100") AND NOT <UDA(product, Sweet)) OR <LEV(product, 0))

Selects non sweet products from the "100" sub-tree plus all level 0 products.




returns the following report (works on Sample Basic cube):
      Year Measures Product Scenario 

New York            8,202 
Massachusetts       6,712 
Florida             5,029 
Connecticut         3,093 
New Hampshire       1,125 
California         12,964 
Oregon              5,062 
Washington          4,641 
Utah                3,155 
Nevada              4,039 
Texas               6,425 
Oklahoma            3,491 
Louisiana           2,992 
New Mexico            330 
Illinois           12,577 
Ohio                4,384 
Wisconsin           3,547 
Missouri            1,466 
Iowa                9,061 
Colorado            7,227