Oracle Essbase Accessibility

Accessibility features in Oracle Essbase help make navigating and using the product easier for persons with disabilities and for the aging population. Standards-based assistive-technology hardware and software (such as Freedom Scientific JAWS or Microsoft Narrator) are supported.



  • For full screen reader support, use JAWS.
  • When navigating tables using the JAWS screen reader, use the keystrokes described on HTML Tables with JAWS and MAGic.
  • If a list row has an actionable item, such as an anchor or tag, press Enter to perform the action. Press Esc to exit actionable mode.

Oracle customers can access online support at My Oracle Support. See Global Customer Support Accessibility or, if you are hearing impaired, visit Accessible Oracle Support.

You can read about Oracle's commitment to accessibility on the Oracle's Accessibility Program website: Oracle's Accessibility Program.

Web Interface Keyboard Equivalents

Use these keyboard equivalents to access Essbase.

Activating Keyboard Shortcuts in Browsers

Browser Activation Keyboard Shortcuts


Alt + Shift + Keys

Internet Explorer

Alt+ Keys

Google Chrome

Alt+ Keys

Apple Safari

Alt+ Keys

Analyze Data View in the Essbase web interface

Keys Actions
Shift + up arrow key To enter to the first cell inside grid and to get the focus out of the grid (in both Ad Hoc Analysis and Reports tabs).
Shift + Ctrl + up arrow key Launch the context menu.

Formula Inspector and Script Editor in the Essbase web interface

When you access the formula editor and the script editor using the keyboard, and the cursor is inside the editor, use these keys to reach the element prior to or after the script editor.

Keys Actions
Ctrl+Alt+Enter Move the cursor to the element previous to the script editor.
Ctrl+Enter Move the cursor to the element after the script editor.

Cube Designer Keyboard Equivalents

Use these keyboard equivalents to access Cube Designer.

Cube Designer Ribbon

Press Alt + CD to open the Cube Designer ribbon. The relevant equivalent keys will appear next to the icons.

Keys Actions
CO Connections
CAT Catalog
LO Local
DP Designer panel
FE Formula editor
HV Hierarchy viewer
BC Build cube
LD Load data
CAL Calculate
AN Analyze
VJ View jobs
TD Transform data
OP Options
HE Help
AT Admin tasks
CS Currently selected

Designer Panel

The designer panel keyboard equivalents work only when the cursor is on the designer panel. If the cursor is on the worksheet, then press F6 + Tab to move the cursor to the designer panel and use the panel equivalents.

Keys Actions
Ctrl + Alt + F From sheet
Ctrl + Alt + T To sheet
Ctrl + Alt + R Reset
Ctrl + Alt + S Sync
Menu (or right click) When a dimension from the dimensions list is selected, opens the dimensions context menu

Cube Designer Catalog

Keys Actions
Ctrl + U Upload to Essbase
Enter Enter folder or download file
Ctrl + X Select a file to be moved to another location
Ctrl + C Select a file to be copied to another location
Ctrl + V Paste a file
Del Delete a file or files
F2 Rename the selected file or folder
F5 Refresh
Ctrl + Shift + N Create a new folder
Ctrl + A Select all items
Left and right arrows Toggle focus between the catalog and the files area
Backspace Navigate to parent folder
Menu (or right click) Opens file context menu

Cube Designer Formula Editor

Keys Actions
Ctrl + 1 Focus on member tree
Ctrl + 2 Focus on formula content
Ctrl + 3 Focus on function tree
Ctrl + A Select all text
Ctrl + V Paste file
Alt + V Validate formula
Alt + S Save formula
F3 Search
Ctrl + Tab Tabular spacing
Enter Add a new line to the formula content, or, if focused on the function list, insert the selected item into the formula

Cube Designer Hierarchy Viewer

Keys Actions
F2 Rename member
F3 Find next (according to search term)
F5 Reload
Menu (or right click) Opens member context menu

Optimize Cube

Keys Actions
Esc Ends analysis operation

Job Manager

Keys Actions
Del Deletes a job from the table

Transform Data

Keys Actions
Menu (or right click) Opens the member context menu

About the Analyze Data View

Use these accessibility guidelines for the Analyze Data View in the Essbase web interface.

  • It does not support screen readers. If you need a screen reader, use Smart View instead.
  • You can use shortcut keys to navigate the grid.
  • When navigating the Ad Hoc Analysis and Reports tabs, use the arrow keys to move across cells. To focus on a link in a cell, first navigate to that cell and then press the Enter key.
  • If a cell has an actionable item, such as a link, menu, image, or radio button, press Enter to perform the action. Press Esc to exit actionable mode.