Create a Connection and Datasource to Access Another Cube

Define a connection and Datasource between two Essbase cubes (on different instances).

  1. Log in to the Essbase web interface as a service administrator or an application manager.
  2. Click Sources, then Connections.

    To define the connection and Datasource at application level instead of globally, start on the Applications page instead of the Sources page. Click an application name, and then click Sources.

  3. Click Create Connection, and for the connection type, select Essbase.
  4. Enter a connection name; for example, Essbase2.
  5. Either enter the Host and Port information, or check the box to Use URL. Connection information can be provided by your Service Administrator.

    Create connection dialog for creating a connection to another Essbase instance. Name: Essbase2. Use URL is checked. URL is Host and Port are blank because Use URL is checked. User: admin. Password (obscured). Description: Connection to Essbase instance 2

    If you are using the URL, use the discovery URL format. A discovery URL is the URL provided by your Service Administrator, with /agent appended to the end. For example:
  6. Click Test to validate the connection, and if successful, click Create.
  7. Verify that the connection was created successfully and appears in the list of connections.
    Next, you will create a Datasource for the Essbase connection.
  8. Click Datasources, and click Create Datasource.
  9. From the Connection drop-down box, select the name of the connection you just created.
  10. Enter a name for the Datasource, and an optional description.
  11. Select the application and database that will be used for this Datasource.
  12. Provide a valid MDX query that selects the cube data you want to make available in this Datasource.

    Create connection dialog, General step, for creating connection to another Essbase instance. Connection: Essbase2, Name: Essbase2_DS, Description: Essbase instance 2 datasource, Application: Sample, Database: Basic, MDX Query: Select {Market} on columns, {Product} on rows from Sample.basic

  13. Click Next. If the MDX syntax was correct to query the remote cube, the queried columns are populated.
  14. Change any numeric columns to Double, and click Next.

    Create Datasource dialog, Columns step, for creating Datasource to another Essbase instance. Index 1: Name: Product, Type: String. Index 2: Name: Market, Type: String

  15. Change any additional source-specific parameters, if applicable, and click Next.
  16. Review the preview panel. You should see the results of the MDX query fetching columns of data from the other cube.

    Create Datasource dialog, Preview step, for creating Datasource to another Essbase instance. Preview data from Essbase is shown.

  17. If the preview looks correct, click Create to finish creating the Datasource.