Create a Connection for Federated Partitions

Define a connection between Essbase and Autonomous Data Warehouse Serverless, to work with federated partitions.

Federated partitions are supported only for Essbase deployment on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

Before you start defining the required connection, review the Federated Partitions Workflow to ensure you have completed all required preliminary tasks.

  • Review Prerequisites for Federated Partitions.

  • To create a global connection, you need to have the service administrator role. To create an application level connection, you need to have user role, plus application manager permission on the application.

  • Optionally, you may wish to use one Autonomous Data Warehouse schema per Essbase application. When you create the federated partition, the tablespace fills up with several tables (and other artifacts) per application. If you opt for one-schema-per-application, note that you will need to also define one connection per schema.

To create the required connection for federated partitions,

  1. In Essbase, on the Sources page, click Connections.
    To define the connection and Datasource at application level, instead of globally, start on the Applications page instead of the Sources page. From the Actions menu to the right of an application name, launch the inspector and click Sources.
  2. Click Create Connection and select Oracle Database.
  3. Select Autonomous using the toggle switch.

    Image of the Create Connection dialog box, showing how to create a connection from Essbase to Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse. Repository Database is checked. Name is EssbaseADWS. Service Name is adwsql_low. User is admin. Password is masked. Description reads: Connection to Autonomous Data Warehouse.

  4. Enter a connection name.
    If you are recreating an Autonomous Data Warehouse connection for a federated partition after migrating the application using lcmimport CLI command (or Import LCM job), it is recommended to use a new connection name to avoid encountering errors.
  5. Select a service name.
  6. Select the Repository Database option. This option is required to be selected for federated partition connections.

    Repository Database option selected

    You do not need to upload a wallet, because Essbase will use the wallet associated with the repository database.

  7. Enter your Autonomous Data Warehouse username, password, and optionally, a description.
  8. Click Test to validate the connection, and if successful, click Create.

    If you get connection errors, you may need to expand Advanced Options to adjust the minimum and maximum connection pool sizes.

    Advanced Options with Min Pool Size 5, Max Pool Size 50

    See About Controlling the Pool Size in UCP in Universal Connection Pool Developer's Guide.

  9. Verify that the connection was created successfully and appears in the list of connections.