Create a Sample Cube to Explore Outline Properties

Throughout this chapter, you will work with a copy of the Sample.Basic gallery template that you create on your server. You must be a power user to create the application.

If you aren’t a power user, ask one to create an application for you and provision you as Database Manager for the application.

  1. Log into the web interface as a power user.
  2. On the Applications page, click Import.
  3. Select Catalog.
  4. Double-click Gallery.
  5. Double-click Applications.
  6. Double-click Demo Samples.
  7. Double-click Block Storage.
  8. Highlight Sample_Basic.xlsx and click Select.
  9. Type a unique Application Name and click OK.

If the application name you choose isn’t unique, you will receive an error message asking you to change the name.

For the remainder of the chapter, when we refer to <yourapplication>, you should use the application you just created.

Set Outline Properties in your Sample Cube

You can set outline properties in <yourapplication>.

  1. On the Applications home page, expand <yourapplication>.
  2. From the Actions menu, to the right of the cube name select Outline.
  3. Click Image of the edit outline icon in the outline editor. Edit outline.
  4. Select Image of the outline properties icon in the outline editor. Outline Properties.