Export Excel

Exports an Essbase cube to an Excel application workbook. Application workbooks comprise a series of worksheets, which can appear in any order, and define a cube. The application workbook can later be imported to create a new cube.

Exporting a cube to Excel requires at least Database Manager permission.

Image of the Export Excel dialog box, in Jobs.

To export to Excel:
  1. On the Applications page, click Jobs.
  2. From the New Job menu, select Export Excel.
  3. For Application, choose an application.
  4. For Database, choose a cube.
  5. Select a build method.

    See Understanding Build Methods.

  6. Choose whether to export data. This option adds a data worksheet to the application workbook.
  7. Choose whether to export scripts. This option adds Calc and MDX sheets to the application workbook if calculation scripts and MDX scripts exist in the cube.
  8. Choose whether to export member IDs. This option adds Member IDs to the application workbook.
  9. Click OK.