Work with Scenarios

After you enable scenario modeling, you can work with scenario data, including setting scenario cells to #Missing, reverting scenario values back to base values, and aggregating scenario data.

View Base Member Data

From the Essbase web interface, you can launch an Excel sheet showing base data for a scenario.

  1. In Essbase, click Scenarios.
  2. Click the Actions menu for the scenario you want to view, and click Show Base Data.
  3. Click on the downloaded link to launch Smart View.
The Excel sheet that is launched shows base data for the cube. It does not show sandbox data.

Compare Scenario Values to Base Values

If you are the owner, approver or participant for a given scenario, you can view scenario and base values in a spreadsheet or in the Essbase web interface to compare models.

Compare Values in Excel

  1. In the Essbase web interface, click Scenarios.

  2. From the Actions menu, select Show Changes in Excel.

  3. Click on the downloaded link to open the Smart View link.

  4. You can view values for both the scenario and base members in the spreadsheet.
    Image of an Excel spreadsheet showing base and scenario values.

    • In column G, sb10 is the scenario (or sandbox) member.

    • In column F, Base shows the base values.

    • In the scenario, values for sb10 on rows 2 through 6 have been changed, and you can see the aggregated result in row 7.

Compare Values in the Web User Interface

  1. In the Essbase web interface, click Scenarios.

  2. From the Actions menu, select Show Changes.

    The Data Changes dialog box is empty if no data changes have been made.

Compare the scenario to the base in order to determine your next steps. For example, you might choose to change the status of the scenario to approved based on this information.

Set Scenario Cells to #Missing

You can set scenario cells to #Missing even if the corresponding base cells have values.

To set a scenario cell to #Missing:
  1. Type #Missing in the cell or delete the cell contents.
  2. Select Submit Data on the Smart View ribbon.
  1. Initially, the value in sb1 is an exact mirror of the value in the base.
    Image of a grid showing sb1 and Base, both with a value of 678.

  2. Enter #Missing in sb1 (or delete the cell contents) and submit data.
    Image of a grid with #Missing in sb1.

  3. Refresh the sheet. See that sb1 is #Missing.
    Image of a grid with #Missing in sb1.

Revert Scenario Values Back to Base Values

You can revert the scenario values back to the base by typing #Revert in the changed cells and clicking Submit Data on the Smart View ribbon.

Initially, scenario values are not stored and they are an exact mirror of the base values. After you change the scenario values in Excel and submit the changes to the cube, the scenario values are stored, and they are different from the base, but you can still revert them back to the base values.
To revert scenario values back to the base:
  1. In Excel, type #Revert in the scenario cells you want to revert to the base.
  2. Click Submit Data on the Smart View ribbon.
The selected scenario values are updated to the base values.


  1. Initially, the value in sb1 is an exact mirror of the value in base.
    Image of a grid with a base member and a scenario member showing the same value.

  2. Submit a new value, 100, to sb1.
    Image of a grid with the scenario member showing a value of 100.

  3. Submit #Revert to sb1.
    Image of a grid showing #Revert in the sb1 cell.

  4. Refresh the sheet. See that sb1 again reflects the base value of 678.
    Image of a grid with a base member and a scenario member showing the same value.

Understand When to Aggregate Sandbox Dimensions

As you model in scenarios, you will need to determine whether or not to calculate within each sandbox.

Submit data changes to the sandbox and calculate as little other data as possible, just enough data to allow users to validate their work. This preserves the storage efficiency of the sandbox design.

For example, when all upper level members in a cube are dynamic calc, aggregations in the form of calculation script are not needed.

If you have stored upper level members, limit the scope of any sandbox calculation to the minimum needed for users to do their work.

Example: Calculate Scenarios with Dynamic Upper Level Members

Dynamic hierarchies (both dense and sparse) aggregate automatically, and users making changes in sandboxes see their changes immediately.

Let’s look at an example from the Sample_Scenario.Basic block storage demo application.

Assume that Product and Market are dynamic hierarchies with data stored only at level zero, and that a scenario is created using sandbox dimension member sb0.

When the sandbox is newly created, values for sb0 are the same as the values for Base. This is because sandbox members are virtual, reflecting base values until users submit changes to them.

Image of an Excel spreadsheet, showing values for the Base and sb0 members of the Sandbox dimension. The values for both members are the same.

After modifying Sales->Budget->Jan->Cola data in member sb0, we immediately see that the dynamic sandbox member, West (in D10) aggregates to the correct total by using a combination of stored members from Base and sb0.

Values for Oregon, Utah and Nevada are stored in the Base sandbox member. Values for California and Washington have been submitted by scenario participants and are stored in the sb0 sandbox member. The total for West->Cola->sb0 aggregates dynamically using these stored values.

Image of an Excel spreadsheet showing values for the Base and sb0 members of the Sandbox dimension. The values are the same, except for California and Washington, which have been changed.

You can also use calculation scripts in sandboxes. Assume that Oregon is meant to be budgeted as 80% of California. The following calculation script can do this:

FIX("Jan", "Budget", "Cola", "Sales")

When a scenario participant launches an Excel worksheet from the web interface and runs this calculation, sb0 is the default sandbox member calculated and the value for member Oregon is updated:

Image of an Excel spreadsheet showing values for the Base and sb0 members of the Sandbox dimension. The values are the same, except for California and Washington, and Oregon which have been changed. The value for Oregon is 720 and reflects the results of the calculation script.

This view is not from a scenario-launched sheet, but rather from a Smart View private view, where Base and sb0 can both be represented on the sheet.

Example: Calculate Scenarios with Stored Upper Level Members

In some cases, a sparse or dense hierarchy may have stored upper level members, and aggregations on level- or generation-based calculations could be required.

Continuing from the last grid of the previous example, assume now that upper level members in the Market dimension are stored, rather than dynamic.

If we change the value for Oregon to 250, the West member will need to be re-calculated before we can see correct results:

Image of an Excel spreadsheet showing values for the Base and sb0 members of the Sandbox dimension. The values are the same, except for California and Washington, and Oregon which have been changed. The value for Oregon is 250. The total value for sb0 for the West region is 2070.

The following calc script can be used to aggregate the Market dimension in the sandbox, when executed from a scenario-launched excel sheet:

Image of an Excel spreadsheet showing values for the Base and sb0 members of the Sandbox dimension. The values are the same, except for California and Washington, and Oregon which have been changed. The value for Oregon is 250. The total value for sb0 for the West region is 1600.