Create an Administration Process on a Specific Host

Every KVStore has an administration database. You must deploy the Storage Node to which the command line interface is currently connecting to, in this case, node01. You then deploy an Administration process on that same node to continue configuring this database. Use the deploy-sn and deploy-admin commands to complete this step.

The deploy-admin command creates an Administration process, the same type as the Storage Node (SN) zone — if the zone is primary, the Admin is a primary Admin; if a secondary zone, so is the Admin.

Secondary Admins support failover. If a primary Admin fails, it converts to an offline secondary to re-establish quorum using existing Admins. A secondary Admin converts to a primary to take over for the failed primary. For more information on how quorum is applied, see the Concepts Guide.

To support failover, ensure that any zones used to continue store operation after a failure contain at least one Admin node.


A deployed Admin must be the same type (PRIMARY or SECONDARY) as its zone. Also, the number of deployed Admins in a zone should be equal to the Replication Factor for the zone.

The deploy-sn command requires a Zone ID. You can get this ID by using the show topology command:

kv-> show topology
store=mystore  numPartitions=0 sequence=1
  zn: id=zn1 name=Boston repFactor=3 type=PRIMARY allowArbiters=false

The zone ID is zn1 in the output.

When you deploy the node, provide the zone ID, the node's network name, and its registry port number. For example:

kv-> plan deploy-sn -zn zn1 -host node01 -port 5000 -wait
Executed plan 2, waiting for completion...
Plan 2 ended successfully 

Having deployed the node, create the Admin process on the node that you just deployed, using the deploy-admin command. This command requires the Storage Node ID (which you can obtain using the show topology command) and an optional plan name.

kv-> plan deploy-admin -sn sn1 -wait
Executed plan 3, waiting for completion...
Plan 3 ended successfully