Create a Storage Node Pool

Once you have created your Administration process, you can create a Storage Node Pool. This pool is used to contain all the Storage Nodes in your store. A Storage Node pool is used for resource distribution when creating or modifying a store. You use the pool create command to create this pool. Then you join Storage Nodes to the pool using the pool join command.

Note that a default pool called AllStorageNodes will be created automatically and all SNs will be added to it during the topology deployment process. Therefore, the pool commands are optional if you use the AllStorageNodes pool as the default pool during deployment.


You may have multiple kinds of storage nodes in different zones that vary by processor type, speed and/or disk capacity. So the storage node pool lets you define a logical grouping of storage nodes by whatever specification you pick.

Remember that we already have a Storage Node created. We did that when we created the Administration process. Therefore, after we add the pool, we can immediately join that first SN to the pool.

The pool create command only requires you to provide the name of the pool.

The pool join command requires the name of the pool to which you want to join the Storage Node, and the Storage Node's ID. You can obtain the Storage Node's ID using the show topology command.

For example:

kv-> pool create -name BostonPool
Added pool BostonPool

kv-> show topology
store=mystore  numPartitions=0 sequence=2
 zn: id=zn1 name=Boston repFactor=3 type=PRIMARY allowArbiters=false
 sn=[sn1] zn:[id=zn1 name=Boston] slc09kuu:5000 capacity=1 RUNNING

kv-> pool join -name BostonPool -sn sn1
Added Storage Node(s) [sn1] to pool BostonPool