
Encapsulates commands that delete key/value pairs from store or rows from table. The subcommands are as follows:

delete kv

delete kv [-key <key>] [-start prefixString] [-end prefixString] [-all] 

Deletes one or more keys. If -all is specified, delete all keys starting at the specified key. If no key is specified, delete all keys in the store. The -start and -end flags can be used for restricting the range used for deleting.

For example, to delete all keys in the store starting at root:

kv -> delete kv -all
301 Keys deleted starting at root 

delete table

kv-> delete table -name <table_name>
 [-field <name> -value <value>]*
 [-field <name> [-start <value>] [-end <value>]]
 [-ancestor <name>]* [-child <child_name>]*
 [-json <string>] [-delete-all] 

Deletes one or multiple rows from the named table.

  • -name

    Identifies a table name, which can be any of the following:

    • table_name – The target table is a top level table created in the default namespace, sysdefault. The default namespace (sysdefault:) prefix is not required to identify such tables.
    • table_name.child_name – The target table is the child of a parent table. Identify the child table by preceding it with the parent table_name, followed by a period (.) separator before child_name.
    • namespace_name:table_name – The target table was not created in the default (sysdefault) namespace. Identify table_name by preceding it with its namespace_name, followed by a colon (:).
    • namespace_name:table_name.child_name – The target table is the child of a parent table that was created in a namespace. Identify child_name by preceding it with both namespace_name: and the parent table_name, , followed by a period (.) separator.
  • -field and -value

    Pairs specify the field values of the primary key or, use an empty key to delete all rows from the table.

  • -field , -start, and -end

    Use these flags to restrict the sub-range for deletion associated with the parent key.

  • -ancestor and -child

    Use to delete rows from a specific ancestor or descendant tables, in addition to the target table.

  • -json

    Indicates that the key field values are in JSON format.

  • -delete-all

    Indicates to delete all rows in a table.