Plan States

Plans can be in any of the following states. A plan can be in only one state at a time. These are the possible states:

Name Description
APPROVED The plan exists with correct operations, but is not running.
CANCELED A plan that is manually INTERRUPTED or that experiences an ERROR can be terminated. Use the cancel command to terminate a plan.
ERROR If a plan in the RUNNING state encounters a problem, it transitions to this state and ends processing without successfully completing. Storage Nodes and Replication Nodes can encounter an error before the plan processes the error and transitions to an ERROR state.
INTERRUPTED A RUNNING plan transitions to this state after the interrupt command in the CLI.
INTERRUPT REQUESTED When a running plan receives an interrupt request, the plan may have to cleanup or reverse previous steps taken during its execution. If the plan transitions to this state, it is to make sure that the store remains in a consistent state.
RUNNING The plan is currently executing its commands.
SUCCEEDED The plan has completed successfully.

You can use the plan execute command whenever a plan enters the INTERRUPTED, INTERRUPT REQUESTED or ERROR state. Retrying is appropriate if the underlying problem was transient or has been rectified. When you retry a Plan, it processes the steps again. Each step is idempotent, and can be safely repeated.