Reviewing Plans

You can use the CLI show plans command to review the execution history of plans. The command also lists the plan ID numbers, plan names, and the state of each plan. With the plan ID, use the show plan -id <plan number> command to see more details about a specific plan.

The next example shows the output of both the show plans command and then the show plan -id <plan number> command. The show plan command returns the plan name, the number of attempts, the start and end date and times, the total number of tasks the plan completed, and the whether the plan completed successfully.

kv-> show plans
1 Deploy KVLite        SUCCEEDED
2 Deploy Storage Node  SUCCEEDED
3 Deploy Admin Service SUCCEEDED
4 Deploy KVStore       SUCCEEDED
kv-> show plan -id 3
Plan Deploy Admin Service (3)
Owner: null
State:          SUCCEEDED
Attempt number: 1
Started:        2012-11-22 22:05:31 UTC
Ended:          2012-11-22 22:05:31 UTC
Total tasks:    1
Successful:     1

For details on using the CLI, see Configuring the KVStore.