
Encapsulates commands to check various store parameters. Specify one of the subcommands, optionally with -silent or -json:

verify {configuration | prerequisite | upgrade} [-silent] [-json] 
Invoking verify without a subcommand or flag, the returns a deprecated message:
kv-> verify
The command:

        verify [-silent]

is deprecated and has been replaced by:

        verify configuration [-silent]

verify configuration

verify configuration [-silent] [-json] 

Verifies the store configuration by iterating over components and checking their state against what the Admin database contains. On a large store, this command can be time consuming.

The -json option specifies that the command display all output in JSON format.

The -silent option suppresses verbose verification messages as verification proceeds. Using the -silent option displays only the initial startup messages and the final verification message. This option has no effect when the -json option is specified.

In some situations, the verify configuration command can generate violations and notes. For example, if:

  • The disk reaches a limit exception.

  • The available storage size is less than 5 GB.

  • The shard has no partitions.

  • A replication node or a storage node is not running.

verify prerequisite

verify prerequisite [-silent] [-sn snX]*

Verifies that the storage nodes are at or above the prerequisite software version needed to upgrade to the current version. This call may take a while on a large store.

As part of the verification process, this command displays the components which do not meet the prerequisites or cannot be contacted. It also checks for illegal downgrade situations where the installed software is of a newer minor release than the current version.

When using this command, the current version is the version of the software running the command line interface.

Use the -sn option to specify those storage nodes that you want to verify. If no storage nodes are specified, all the nodes in the store are checked.

The -silent option suppresses verbose verification messages that are displayed as the verification is proceeding. Instead, only the initial startup messages and the final verification message is displayed.

verify upgrade

verify upgrade [-silent] [-sn snX]*

Verifies the storage nodes (and their managed components) are at or above the current version. This call may take a while on a large store.

As part of the verification process, this command displays the components which have not yet been upgraded or cannot be contacted.

When using this command, the current version is the version of the software running the command line interface.

Use the -sn option to specify those storage nodes that you want to verify. If no storage nodes are specified, all the nodes in the store are checked.

The -silent option suppresses verbose verification messages that are displayed as the verification is proceeding. Instead, only the initial startup messages and the final verification message is displayed.