Package oracle.kv

Interface ExecutionFuture

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface ExecutionFuture
    extends Future<StatementResult>
    An ExecutionFuture is a Future that provides a handle to an administrative statement that has been issued and is being processed by the kvstore. ExecutionFuture provides a way to check on the interim status of the administrative operation, wait for the operation to complete, or cancel the operation.

    For example:

     // Create a table and get a handle on the operation.
     ExecutionFuture future = null;
     try {
         future = kvstore.execute
              ("CREATE TABLE users (" +
               "id INTEGER, " +
               "firstName STRING, " +
               "lastName STRING, " +
               "age INTEGER, " +
               "PRIMARY KEY (id))");
     } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
         System.out.println("The statement is invalid: " + e);
     } catch (FaultException e) {
         System.out.println("There is a transient problem, retry the " +
                              "operation: " + e);
     // Get current status on the asynchronously executing DDL statement
     StatementResult result = future.updateStatus();
    Note that this class supersedes oracle.kv.table.ExecutionFuture.

    • Method Detail

      • cancel

        boolean cancel​(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning)
                throws FaultException
        Attempts to cancel execution of this statement. Returns false if the statement couldn't be cancelled, possibly because it has already finished. If the statement hasn't succeeded already, and is stopped, the operation will deem to have failed.
        Specified by:
        cancel in interface Future<StatementResult>
        mayInterruptIfRunning - Since command execution begins immediately, if mayInterreuptIfRunning is false, cancel returns false.
        FaultException - if the Admin service connection fails.
      • isCancelled

        boolean isCancelled()
        Returns true if the operation was cancelled. The cancellation may still be in progress, and the operation may still be running.
        Specified by:
        isCancelled in interface Future<StatementResult>
      • isDone

        boolean isDone()
        Returns true if the operation has been terminated. If the operation is still executing, or if status has never been requested before, this call will result in communication with the kvstore server to obtain up to date status.

        When the statement has terminated, results and status can be obtained via StatementResult

        Specified by:
        isDone in interface Future<StatementResult>
      • updateStatus

        StatementResult updateStatus()
                              throws FaultException
        Returns information about the execution of the statement. If the statement is still executing, this call will result in communication with the kvstore server to obtain up to date status, and the status returned will reflect interim information.
        FaultException - if there was any problem with accessing the server. In general, such issues are transient, and the request can be retried.
      • getLastStatus

        StatementResult getLastStatus()
        Returns information about the execution of the statement. The information returned is that obtained by the last communication with the kvstore server, and will not cause any additional communication. To request a current check, use updateStatus()
      • getStatement

        String getStatement()
        Return the statement which has been executed.
      • toByteArray

        byte[] toByteArray()
        Return a serialized version of the ExecutionFuture, which can be saved for later use, via KVStore.getFuture(byte[]). For example:
         byte[] futureBytes = future.toByteArray();
         // futureBytes can be saved and used later to recreate an 
         // ExecutionFuture instance
         ExecutionFuture laterFuture = store.getFuture(futureBytes);
         StatementResult laterResult = laterFuture.get();

        Values returned by calls to this method can be used with current and newer releases, but are not guaranteed to be compatible with earlier releases.
