Package oracle.kv

Class FaultException

    • Field Detail

      • testNoCurrentInMessage

        public static volatile boolean testNoCurrentInMessage
        If true, don't include the current version or current time in the exception message. For testing, and in particular for testing serialization so that the serialized form stays constant over time and releases.
    • Method Detail

      • wasLoggedRemotely

        public boolean wasLoggedRemotely()
        Returns whether the exception was previously logged remotely.

        When the error occurred remotely, it will have already been logged and reported on a remote KVStore node and will be available to administrators. However, to correlate client and server errors and to make error information easily accessible on the client, it is good practice to also log the error locally. Errors that originated locally are not automatically logged and available to administrators, and the client application is responsible for reporting them.

      • getFaultClassName

        public String getFaultClassName()
        Returns the name of the class associated with the original fault exception, or the name of the local exception class if the error occurred locally. When the error occurred locally and this exception is a simple wrapper, the class name of the wrapped exception is returned. This method exists primarily for logging, testing and debugging.
      • getRemoteStackTrace

        public String getRemoteStackTrace()
        Returns the textual stack trace associated with the remote fault exception, or null if the error occurred locally. This method exists primarily for logging, testing and debugging.
      • setResourceId

        public void setResourceId​(oracle.kv.impl.topo.ResourceId resourceId)
      • getResourceId

        public oracle.kv.impl.topo.ResourceId getResourceId()
        Returns the id of the resource associated with the remote fault exception, or null if the error occurred locally or resource ID is not known. This method exists primarily for logging, testing and debugging.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns a description of the fault that includes the standard Throwable description (class name and message), followed by the fault class name, followed by the remote stack trace (if any). This method exists primarily for logging, testing and debugging.
        toString in class Throwable