Package oracle.kv

Class KVLocalConfig

  • public class KVLocalConfig
    extends Object
    Represents the configuration parameters used to create a KVLocal object.

    To build a KVLocalConfig object, the root directory parameter is required. All other parameters are optional.

    Use the KVLocalConfig.InetBuilder class to construct a KVLocalConfig object using TCP sockets. For example:

     // Create a configuration with root directory specified as "rootDir".
     // Other parameters are set implicitly to default values.
     // storeName: kvstore
     // hostName: localhost
     // port: 5000
     // isSecure: true
     // storageGB: 10
     // memoryMB: 8192
     KVLocalConfig config = new KVLocalConfig.InetBuilder("rootDir"))
     // Create a configuration with root directory specified as "rootDir".
     // Set port number to 6000 and memoryMB to 100 MB.
     // Other parameters are set implicitly to default values.
     // storeName: kvstore
     // hostName: localhost
     // isSecure: true
     // storageGB: 10
     KVLocalConfig config = new KVLocalConfig.InetBuilder("rootDir"))
    Use the KVLocalConfig.UnixDomainBuilder class to construct a KVLocalConfig object using Unix domain sockets. Note that the resulting configuration can only be used when running Java 16 or latest releases since Unix domain sockets require at least Java 16.

    • Field Detail


        public static final int DEFAULT_STORAGE_SIZE_GB
        The default storage size in gigabyte is 10.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DEFAULT_MEMORY_SIZE_MB
        The default memory size in megabytes is 8192, or 8 GB.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DEFAULT_PORT
        The default port number is 5000.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getRootDirectory

        public String getRootDirectory()
        Returns the directory where NoSQL Database data is placed.
        the directory where NoSQL Database data is placed
      • getStoreName

        public String getStoreName()
        Returns the store name.
        the store name
      • getHostName

        public String getHostName()
        Returns the host name.
        the host name
      • getPort

        public int getPort()
        Returns the port number.
        the port number
      • isSecure

        public boolean isSecure()
        Returns whether security is enabled.
        whether security is enabled
      • getMemoryMB

        public int getMemoryMB()
        Returns the memory size in MB.
        the memory size in MB
      • getStorageGB

        public int getStorageGB()
        Returns the storage directory size in GB.
        the storage directory size in GB
      • isUnixDomain

        public boolean isUnixDomain()
        Returns whether the configuration uses Unix domain sockets.
        whether the configuration uses Unix domain sockets