Package oracle.kv

Class ValueVersion

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class ValueVersion
    extends Object
    Holds a Value and Version that are associated with a given Key.

    A ValueVersion instance is returned by methods such as get and multiGet as the current value and version associated with a given key. The version and value properties will always be non-null.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ValueVersion

        public ValueVersion()
        Used internally to create an object with null value and version.
      • ValueVersion

        public ValueVersion​(Value value,
                            Version version)
        Used internally to create an object with a value and version.
    • Method Detail

      • getValue

        public Value getValue()
        Returns the Value part of the KV pair.
      • getVersion

        public Version getVersion()
        Returns the Version of the KV pair.
      • setValue

        public ValueVersion setValue​(Value value)
        Used internally to initialize the Value part of the KV pair.
      • setVersion

        public ValueVersion setVersion​(Version version)
        Used internally to initialize the Version of the KV pair.